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How to Write An Essay: Crossword - FLASH-MAC

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Grade 5, 6, 7, 8



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How to Write An Essay: Crossword - FLASH-MAC

FLASH-MAC is an interactive teaching resource, developed specifically to enhance essay-writing skills for students from fifth to eighth grade levels. This tool not only complements essential writing instruction but also introduces a fun element into the learning process through its crossword puzzle approach.

The package includes a compact crossword puzzle with 19 vocabulary words that are vital in essay writing activities. Each word is linked with 'across' and 'down' clues that assist students in grasping the terms while concurrently engaging them creatively.

Key Features:

  • The educational aid emphasizes on critical stages of the essay-writing procedure such as brainstorming, drafting, prewriting, proofreading revision and publishing among others.
  • Incorporates significant vocabulary terms like adjective, biography expository graphic narrative objective paragraph outline prompt pros reports revision verb etc.
  • The FLASH-MAC software file blends seamlessly into standard lesson plans be it for classroom lessons or additional activities.
  • Can be used as both collaborative group activity promoting peer interaction or individual homework tasks encouraging personal practice.
This educational software aims at increasing confidence and improving writing capabilities while keeping the learning process engaging.
Note: The program agrees with Common Core State Standards How to Write An Essay. It guarantees educational content adequately pushes learners at all stages within specified grade range following Bloom's Taxonomy.
This Mac-optimized software resource can easily blend into digital lesson plans directed by Language Arts educators across different context including public schools or homeschool conditions providing an interactive supplement to one's teaching framework committed towards enhancing student comprehension proficiency overall enthusiasm for writing craft area.

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