Identifying your thinking errors (#2074)

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About This Product

Empower yourself with "Identifying Your Thinking Errors" eBook. Uncover and challenge common cognitive distortions with a simple checklist. From black-and-white thinking to personalizing events, this guide helps you recognize thinking errors hindering your well-being. Gain clarity, enhance mental resilience, and cultivate a healthier mindset. Take charge of your thoughts for a more positive and balanced life.



Here is the list of the worksheets available to support your mental health:

Grief and bereavement (#2011)

Time management tips (2012)

OCD Diary (#2022) 

Self-esteem journal (#2023)

Advantages and disadvantages of change (#2031)

Considering different perspectives (#2032)

Challenging negative thoughts (#2043)

Progressive muscle relaxation (#2045)

Healthy lifestyle categories (#2050)

Goodbye letter when grieving (#2055)

Hierarchy of anxiety producing situation (#2056)

Questions to explore a mood (#2061)

Avoidance behavior diary (#2066)

Self-care assessment (#2067)

Activities related to values (#2071)

Identifying your thinking errors (#2074)

Challenging thoughts with CBT (#2087)

Antecedent behavior consequence model ABC (#2089)

Helpful and unhelpful ways to cope with emotions (#2090)

Family, friends, acquaintances (#2092)

Self-care plan (#2094)

Triggers behavior payoff (#2100)

Smart goals (#2102)

Self-management of health anxiety (#2113)

Cost of anxiety (#2114)

Assessment of your assertiveness in different situations (#2115)

How to deal with guilt and shame (#2119)

Checking the facts about shame and guilt (#2121)

Using the I statement  (#2123)

Core beliefs (#2124)

Self-compassion and compassion for others (#2125)

Assessing your self-esteem (#2126)

Safety plan (#2133)

Communicating clearly (#2134)

Resilience plan (#2135)

Distracting yourself from distressing emotions (#2136)

Your anger triggers (#2139)

Expressing your anger (#2140)

The stages of grief (#2142)

Forgiveness (#2143)

Exploring values (#2146)

Values discussion questions (#2147)









Resource Tags

thinking errors happiness mental health unhealthy thinking

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