Julius Caesar: Marc Anthony/ Brutus speeches Compare and Contrast

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12





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About This Product

Great way to analyze persuasive speech.
Works with the play Julius Caesar or on it's own.
Students analyze persuasive techniques in two contrasting points of view in two different speeches.
Students must compare and contrast the two speeches.
Comes complete with answer key.Great way to analyze persuasive speech.
Works with the play Julius Caesar or on it's own.
Students analyze persuasive techniques in two contrasting points of view in two different speeches.
Students must compare and contrast the two speeches.
Comes complete with answer key.

What's Included

Great way to analyze persuasive speech.

Works with the play Julius Caesar or on it's own.

Students analyze persuasive techniques in two contrasting points of view in two different speeches.

Students must compare and contrast the two speeches.

Comes complete with answer key.

Resource Tags

Persuasive Speech Shakespeare Julius Caesar Literary Analysis Compare and Contrast julius caesar brutus speech antony and brutus speeches two julius caesar speeches

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