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Learn The Initial Phonic Sounds 's, i, k, h, b'

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About This Product

Learn The Initial Phonic Sounds 's, i, k, h, b'

This unique teaching resource has been crafted for children aged three years and above. It prioritizes an engaging approach that proves effective in both individual and group settings.

How the Material is Structured

  • Phonic Recognition: Identifying initial sounds such as 'b' or 'd'.
  • Mixed Text: Creating combination texts like 'a' - c...a...t.
  • Sound Combining: Running sounds together to create words.

The activities enclosed within each pack are user-friendly to aid any overseeing adult during the learning sessions; every instruction is clearly elaborated.

Packs Enclosed Activities

  1. Word Construction through Phonics:: This method targets nearly 80% of words in English language use.
  2. 'Look-and-say' Technique :: The remaining 20% are covered using a technique that includes repeated exposure to complete words.
Educational Games Included

The resource also incorporates interactive games such as snap and bingo for an engaging reading practice experience while reinforcing new skills.

Sentence Maker Tool

Apart from studying individual letters, this educational tool extends its scope into sentence making with a handy sentence maker included within each pack—a priceless tool for exploring various sentence structures.In emphasizing creativity, this program encourages learners to personalize drawings included in the exercises; thus adding another practical dimension into this enriching experience!

To be most effective,, these materials should be used daily until the learners master one level, then they can progress onto another more complex unit. Each pack presents learners with a comprehensive path towards reading competency.

What's Included

3 pages

Resource Tags

phonics activities initial sounds word construction reading practice sentence making

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