Lesson 14: The Final Exam - A comprehensive review of the course

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Lesson 14: The Final Exam - A comprehensive review of the course - A Zombie Wrote my Narrative Essay with Mr. Butt and Bonefish

See how well your students learned the material and give them a review at the same time. Each lesson contains a story that illustrates the concept being taught.

This resource contains:

- 4 PowerPoint presentations to guide and review concepts.

- 3 Word Documents with the exam questions.

This Lesson 14: The Final Exam - A comprehensive review of the course - A Zombie Wrote my Narrative Essay with Mr. Butt and Bonefish is a ready to print and ready to present one. Teachers will have all needed to implement this final exam in their classrooms.

This Lesson 14: The Final Exam - A comprehensive review of the course - A Zombie Wrote my Narrative Essay with Mr. Butt and Bonefish was designed for students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades.

The implementation of this Lesson 14: The Final Exam - A comprehensive review of the course - A Zombie Wrote my Narrative Essay with Mr. Butt and Bonefish resource is for individuals to demonstrate their knowledge on how to write a narrative essay. The reviews may be presented to the whole class, and then for the completion of the exam, students work individually.

For the whole series of Lessons, visit my store here!

PowerPoint Lesson(s), Word Document Assessment Lesson(s), PowerPoint Lesson Review(s)

Resource Tags

how to write a narrative essay creative writing review how to use adjectives how to grab the readers attention adjectives sensory words creating characters naming characters lesson reviews

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