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Letter G Articulation Drills: Feed the Monster! - BOOM Cards

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About This Product

Letter G Articulation Drills: Feed the Monster! helps students practice producing the /g/ sound correctly. This engaging Boom Cards resource allows learners to feed objects into a hungry monster's mouth, providing a fun way for them to repeat words starting with the "g" sound. Teachers can use it in small groups or for individual speech therapy to help students improve pronunciation and sound production. The interactive activities reinforce proper /g/ articulation through repetition in a motivating game format. With visually appealing graphics, this resource helps capture early learners' attention while addressing essential phonics and speech standards. Educators working with preschool through grade 4 students on letter recognition, beginning sounds, and speech clarity will find this resource useful.

What's Included

1 PDF file with link to Boom Card.

Resource Tags

Oral Communication Speech Therapy Boom Deck Monster

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