Letter Y Handwriting Worksheets
About This Product
Students will practice writing the letter Y with these tracing and writing worksheets. Each page focuses on either the capital letter Y or the lowercase letter Y. There are also tracing cards that can be laminated and placed in a writing center for a write and wipe tracing activity or in a small group setting for teaching letter formation.
This product contains a PDF with the following
Two capital letter handwriting worksheets
Two lowercase letter handwriting worksheets
Handwriting tracing cards for both capital and lowercase letters
This letter writing activity is suitable for preschool and kindergarten students who are learning the correct letter formation for the letter Y. The tracing cards show directional arrows for students to follow to model the correct way to write the letter. All pages are in black and white for easy printing.
There are two pages that focus on tracing the capital letter Y and two pages that focus on tracing the lowercase letter Y. There are 5 capital letter Y tracing cards and 5 lowercase letter Y tracing cards as well as two blank cards for students to practice writing the letter on their own.
When to Use:
Writing Center
Handwriting Practice
Morning Work
Independent Practice
Emergency Sub Plans
Skills Practiced
Fine Motor Skills
Pen or Pencil Control
Letter Formation
Letter Recognition
Manuscript Handwriting Practice
These worksheets are a no prep, print and go activity for students to practice their handwriting skills. The tracing cards are a low prep activity for a writing center or small group activity and are perfect to use to instruct students on how to form the letter Y. The worksheets and tracing cards can also be laminated to create a reusable, paper saving, activity for students to complete during center time or small group time with dry erase markers.