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Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann (MS) Biography PowerPoint

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This informative 32-page PDF biography PowerPoint profiles Delbert Hosemann, the current Lt. Governor of Mississippi (2020-present). It details his background, education, career, political experience, elected offices, and accomplishments. Educators can use this resource to teach students about Delbert Hosemann's life and role in Mississippi state government. The PowerPoint summarizes his history as a politician, from serving as Mississippi's Secretary of State for 12 years (2008-2020) to becoming Lt. Governor in 2020. Presented chronologically, it highlights his upbringing, education at the University of Mississippi, early legal career, and political ascent. Teachers and homeschooling parents can incorporate this engaging visual aid into lessons, activities, and projects related to government, leadership, law, and state history.

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Delbert Hosemann Lieutenant Governor Mississippi politician biography PowerPoint

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