Multiplication Bump Games

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Grade 1, 2, 3, 4



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About This Product

Multiplication Bump Games Overview

Multiplication Bump Games is an educational resource catered towards teachers and homeschoolers. Its main objective is to teach multiplication concepts in a dynamic manner to students from Grade 1 up until Grade 4, through enjoyable and immersive activities that invoke learners' active involvement.

Contents of the Package

The Multiplication Bump Games package consists of:

  • 12 distinctive Multiplication Bump Games that involve multiplication facts from tables 2-12.
  • The option to choose between two color formats for each game or a black and white version, resulting in a total of 33 pages worth of material.

Utility and Usage

This well-rounded resource can be used in different classroom settings - small study groups, whole class sessions or individual interaction with struggling students. The games' simplicity makes them an appealing homework assignment as well.

Setting Up the Activity

  1. To start off - select & print out the chosen game page
  2. Distribute two dice per student (or pair)
  3. \
      Please note: you'll also need around fifteen counters for each pair of students or approximately eleven pieces for solo play.

How to Play?

In a typical game session, students roll their dice, add up the numbers and then multiply the sum by the number specified on their specific game page (to be found at top right corner within a snowflake symbol). The aim here isn't solely accuracy but also entails strategic planning especially when playing against opponents.

In Conclusion...

The Multiplication Bump Games aren't just education materials but also thoughtful learning experiences designed to engage students in their educational journey. They are a representation of the active-learning styles that interactive lessons should incorporate - making the process of mastering multiplication both fun and beneficial for students.

What's Included

A PDF file with 38 printable pages.

Resource Tags

engaging interactive multiplication concepts strategic planning active-learning

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