Nine-In-One Grr! Grr! Interactive Read-Aloud Activities

About This Product
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book Nine-In-One Grr! Grr! retold by Blia Xiong.
With 38 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student's specific needs and academic abilities. Students will practice identifying plot elements, identify characteristics of a folktale, determine the theme, analyze characters, compare & contrast, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think within and beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
⭐️This Resource Includes:⭐️
Elements of a Folktale Anchor Chart or Notes Handout
Making Predictions: Students will make predictions about the text before reading the book.
Folktale Checklist: Students fill in the chart with details from the story that characterize it as a folktale.
Folktale Tidbits: Students will answer questions with details from the story that prove it's a folktale.
Story Elements: Students fill in the boxes with words & pictures to represent the story elements.
Sequencing: Students will retell & illustrate the important parts of the story.
Recalling events in Chronological Order: Students describe and illustrate four major events in the story in chronological order.
Summary: Students complete the Somebody, Wanted, Because, But, So graphic organizer and write a summary of the story.
Retell the Story: Students will tell the story's beginning, middle, and end with text and illustrations.
Story Event Sort: Students will describe a scene or event from the story that fits into each of the categories & explain how the event made them feel & how it relates to the category.
Making Connections: Students make connections to an event from the story.
Making Inferences: Students use clues & schema to make inferences while reading the story.
Cause and Effect: Students will identify cause and effect relationships within the story and fill in the missing effects (ANSWER KEY included).
Character Traits: Students choose two important traits that best describe each character and provide examples from the text for each characteristic.
Character Inside & Out (Tiger): Students include details from the story to describe what the character says, thinks, does, and feels.
Character Inside & Out (Bird): Students include details from the story to describe what the character says, thinks, does, and feels.
Character Feelings (Tiger): Students describe how the character's feelings change throughout the story & give examples of the events that cause them to feel the way they do.
Character Development (Tiger): Students select character traits that best describe the character at different times throughout the story and give examples from the book to support the traits they chose.
Character Change (Tiger): Students will explain how the character changed from the beginning to the end of the story and describe the events that caused the change to happen.
Character Dialogue: Students read the following character quotes and explain how what they said affected the other characters in the story.
Sketch a Scene From the Story: Students will illustrate one of the events from the story and explain why this event is important to the plot.
Setting Influences the Plot: Students will draw a scene from the story that takes place in one of the settings and write about what happened there and why it was important to the plot.
Setting the Scene: Students identify three different settings in the story and explain how they know the setting changed.
3-2-1: Students will identify three details from the text that describe the great Shao, describe two things that make the land of the great Shao special, and choose one word that best describes the mighty Shao and explain why.
Author's Message: Students describe four important events from the story and put them in chronological order. Then, answer the questions about the author's message.
Theme: Students answer the questions to determine which theme best fits the story and provide text evidence to support their choice.
Thinking About the Text: Students will answer the questions about the story & include examples from the text to support their answers.
Thinking Beyond the Text: Students will answer the questions about the story & include examples from the text to support their answers.
Wondering What the Future Holds: Students explain why they think Tiger was so anxious to learn about her future from Shao, and write about something they to know about their future and why.
Sorry, Not Sorry: Students state their opinion on whether Bird is a villain or a hero based on her actions. Then, based on their opinion, students will write an apology note or an explanation defending Bird’s actions.
Suffix -ly: Students will practice adding the suffix -ly to words from the story (ANSWER KEY included).
Word Search: Students find the words hidden in the puzzle (ANSWER KEY included).
Wait... There's More!: Students will write about what happens next in the story.
Book Review: Students will rate and review the book.
All About Laos: Students will conduct research to learn more about the country of Laos.
All About Tigers Brochure: Students will conduct research to learn more about tigers using the guiding questions in the brochure.
Writing a Folktale: Students will plan and write their own folktale or origin story. The following pages are included for this activity:
Folktale Planning Sheet: Students use the planning sheet to organize their story.
Folktale Cover: Students design a book cover for their folktale.
Lined Writing Paper: Three different layouts are included.
Plot Diagram Graphic Organizers & Anchor Charts: Students can plot out the events of their folktale to organize their thoughts. A variety of plot diagram graphic organizers are included in order to differentiate for your students.
This resource is for extension read-aloud activities only. The book is not included.