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November Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet - EBOOK

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November Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet – EBOOK

The November Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet, available in EBOOK format, is a captivating and educational resource aiding teaching. Emphasizing interactivity, this product presents an entertaining way to discover and learn about different holidays commemorated in the month of November. Suitably designed for kindergarten up to grade 6 learners.

  • This booklet delves into various holidays celebrated during November, incorporating those lesser-known but equally important that often escape notice. Students are introduced to Thanksgiving Day, Veterans Day, Universal Children’s Day, Black Friday and the Day of the Dead.
  • The teaching resource additionally sheds light on awareness events such as Aviation History Month, National Diabetes Awareness Month as well as National Novel Writing Month.

An intrinsic feature that sets this tool apart is its highly interactive character delivering learning in a fun yet informative way. This booklet includes flexible blank pages enabling educators to supplement further information or include additional special days observed in this month.

Given its adaptability and relevance across multiple grades it can be flexibly applied depending upon the pedagogical approach or students’ needs. It could be utilized during:

  1. Whole group instruction sessions - For lessons dealing with special days.
  2. Small group tasks - Where every group explores one holiday at one time deciphering its history and importance.
  3. A homework assignment - Encourages individual research on each holiday encapsulated within the booklet.

Your download includes an easy-to-access PDF file comprising ~10 pages worth of informative material.
To assemble your foldable booklet just follow simple instructions included with it: Cut out elements needed >Fold as guided > Glue them together creating your own extensive booklet!

In conclusion, apart from commemorating prominent events like Thanksgiving day, it's crucial not to overlook smaller yet significant contributions by Veterans or initiatives directed at raising awareness towards global issues like Diabetes. All these are intricate aspects of our collective historical experience which are waiting to be explored through this instructive approach provided by the November Holiday Interactive Foldable Booklet – EBOOK.

What's Included

10 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

interactive learning November holidays educational resource foldable booklet awareness events

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