Number & Operations: Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-PC

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-PC

This is an educational resource for Grade 1 and Grade 2 educators. Our tool focuses on strengthening students' understanding of Number and Operations, specifically the elementary math skills of Addition and Subtraction.

Application in Various Settings

The FLASH-PC can be implemented during whole-group instruction, small group sessions, individual work time or even as homework assignments. This package offers a simple yet exhaustive teaching guide that fosters a stimulating learning environment.

Pre-assessment Activities And Teaching Guide

  • An inclusive collection of pre-assessment tasks offer insights into students’ existing knowledge before introducing new content.
  • A comprehensive 'teach the skill' lesson plan providing step-by-step instructions to explain core concepts to pupils.

Numerous Practical Math Tools Included

The tools in our offering can be incorporated during lessons for more hands-on learning experiences. It beautifully meshes theoretical knowledge with practical implementation which aids efficient grasp of foundational skills among students

Catering to Language Diversity

Note that all content carries an English voice over and text plus Spanish translations making it suitable for English Language Learners (ELL).

Conforming closely with both Common Core State Standards (CCSS) along with National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM), this product is adaptable across various teaching statuses nationwide.

Furthermore, employing technology through our software format that's compatible with Personal Computers (PC). This resource delivers digitally contextualized material styled by educators enabling dependable understanding while preserving agility required in modern day classrooms.This isn't just another teaching resource, but an instrumental partner in reinforcing curriculum-based understanding of number operations among students.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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