Number Bonds 1-10 Bingo - Boards 11-15

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Number Bonds 1-10 Bingo - Boards 11-15

This unique teaching resource adds an educational twist to traditional Bingo. Ideal for Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 students, the game focuses on mathematical concepts of Fact Families and Addition. As a hands-on activity, it provides a dynamic way for learners to refine their number bonds from numbers one through ten.

  • Five printable color bingo boards
  • An identical set in black-and-white
  • Colorfully illustrated Calling Cards
  • Playing Squares
The Game Setup:

The preparation involves printing all components – namely, the Bingo Boards, Playing Squares, and Calling Cards – and preferably laminating them afterwards for durability. For added convenience although optional for gameplay's sake you can use any readily available manipulatives like buttons or counters in place of playing squares.

Playing the Game:

"Each student receives a unique bingo board along with at least seven playing squares. After shuffling calling cards tactically placed in a pile top card gets drawn & corresponding contents unveiled prompting students quickly scanning their individual board…"

In this version of Bingo no movements are allowed after covering block ensuring that wins aren't simply by chance but strategic gameplay.

"This resource embodies the perfect blend of maximizing learning while encouraging interaction among students & fostering a positive classroom community..."


    "The Number Bonds Bingo - Boards is versatile suitable for whole group sessions small group practices or even as creatively stimulating homework"

You can download this resource in PDF format, ready to print without any modifications. Adding simplicity to your daily math instruction has never been so enjoyable!

What's Included

- Teacher information

- 5 printable Bingo Boards in colour

- 5 printable Bingo Boards in black and white

- Printable Calling Cards and Playing Squares in colour

- Printable Calling Cards and Playing Squares in black and white

Resource Tags

Number Bonds Addition Fact Families Math Game Bingo

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