Pets Songs

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About This Product


Pets Songs: A Versatile Teaching Resource

Pets Songs is a bespoke teaching resource crafted specifically for educators working with Kindergarten, Preschool, and Early Learning levels. This interactive collection of learning songs centres on the theme of pets - a subject dearly loved by children. With unique 12 songs in one zip file, this resource infuses an exciting twist into education, enriching both traditional and virtual classrooms.

Diverse Range of Purposeful Rhythms

Each song owns its rhythm and purpose; some are playfully silly to pique the interest of young minds while others embed fun educational elements such as counting and distinguishing different animal sounds. Merging entertainment with education ensures students' sustained engagement during lessons.

A Multi-dimensional Art & Music Tool

Pets Songs, although primarily an Art & Music aid, transcends the boundaries of being just a bundle of tunes. It transforms into a versatile tool that teachers can incorporate effortlessly into various settings:

  • Whole group activities where students enjoy music together.
  • Small group tasks fostering personalized interaction.
  • Fun homework assignments reinforcing classroom learnings.

Inclusive Audio File Type Solution

This audio file type product provides flexibility without confining users to platform or device requirements. It allows teachers from every school system access at any time they want to foster creativity amongst their learners.

To Conclude...

In essence,Pets Songs, by allowing teaching individuality while reintroducing enjoyment back into musical learning is uniquely innovative. The blend it offers between entertainment and education makes it indispensable in all modern teacher’s toolkits promoting love for both pets and music amongst young students.


What's Included

1 zip file with 12 songs

Resource Tags

pets songs education interactive kindergarten

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