Phonics CVC Flipbook CKEURHB

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About This Product

Phonics CVC Flipbook CKEURHB

An essential teaching tool designed to support spelling and word recognition in a fun and interactive way. This resource is perfect for both phonics lessons and literacy centers, focusing on level 1 or phase 2 lower case phonics sounds through engaging games.

Components of the Flipbook

The flipbook emphasizes on CVC words and includes the following sets:

  • Reading Set
  • Missing Initial Sounds Set
  • Missing Middle Sounds Set
  • Missing Ending Sounds Set

The individual sets contain 36 words each with focus sounds of 'ck', 'e', 'u', 'r', 'h', and 'b'. It also includes picture representations for an easier understanding.

Included Materials

  1. Six pages with alphabet tiles (s, a, t, p,i ,n ,m ,d ,g o,c,k e,u,r,h,b) that can be cut into small tiles following the lines helpfully marked out - these sheets are recommended to be laminated for longevity.
  2. Detailed instruction manual on how to effectively utilize this resource in classroom setup or at home.

Educative Role of Phonics CVC Flipbook CKEURHB

This product caters to many areas including:

  • Filling up missing sound sessions during classwork or homework assignments;
  • Leveraging vocabulary lists embedded with new words; Nurturing growth in spelling abilities among learners by transforming knowledge gained from reading sessions into writing lessons.

It provides flexibility for teachers to utilize according to class size - either as a whole group activity while working on a specific phonic sound or as small-group literacy activity catering to reading skill development.

Who Can Benefit?

This product is extremely useful to homeschooling parents and caters particularly towards learners in Kindergarten, Preschool, and Grade 1. The flipbook aids in mastering spoken sounds, which reflects positively on the reading competence of students.

What's Included

About this product

This product contains 4 sets of flip-books for CVC words, reading set, missing initial sounds set, missing middle sounds set, and missing ending sounds set.

Each set has 36 CVC words with the following focus sounds: ck e u r h b

And it comes with 6 pages of alphabet tiles (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, e, u, r, h, b) for the interactive games and activity.

Resource Tags

phonics CVC words flipbook spelling word recognition

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