Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns

If you're looking for an engaging and interactive method for your students to drill direct object pronouns, consider the Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns teaching resource. This original Google Sheets-based activity provides 46 questions for your students to answer.

In the Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns, learners solidify their Spanish language knowledge by identifying the direct object pronoun in about 40 different sentences. As a pupil input a correct answer, an image slowly unveils itself in the document - capturing their interest and motivates them further.

  • This tool comes with a self-checking feature that prevents colors from appearing when incorrect responses are given, providing instant feedback as they work through it.
  • The learning autonomy gained using this tool can enhance student's understanding at their individual pace.

This invaluable tool aids both public school educators and homeschoolers because of its versatility in implementation. It is flexible enough to use with whole groups or smaller groups, and can even function as meaningful homework which departs from traditional paper-and-pencil tasks.

In addition, integrating digital tools like this into education allows you quick assignment distribution via platforms such as Google Classroom or Schoology while also aiding learners familiarize themselves with digital literacy skills - crucial in our increasingly digitized society.

Versatility of Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns

This resource does not merely shine due to its visually appealing pixel art but also its adaptability. Its design considers high school grades – particularly grade 9 through 12 – yet Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns isn't confined only these specific grade levels; any student aiming to polish Spanish direct object pronoun could reap benefits from it!

  • As a formative tool during lessons or summative assessment after completing a direct object pronouns unit, this resource can indeed provide enrichment to the language learning process.


Explore more engaging resources available for a variety of topics in my store that might meet your instruction needs. Remember, using the Pixel Art: Direct Object Pronouns, teaching Spanish sentence construction becomes easier and learning direct object pronoun recognition becomes exciting - somewhat like playing a game with each correct answer revealing beautiful pixel art!

This is a digital product; ensure two copies of Google Sheet (one copy as an answer key and one to distribute among students) are created, deleting answers in 'answer' column before sharing with them. Also included is a PDF page containing the link to the resource for convenience sake.

*Enjoy Teaching!*

What's Included

A PDF with 1 page that contains the link to the resource.

Resource Tags

interactive activity direct object pronouns Spanish language digital resource pixel art

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