Q-tip Painting: sight words pre primer

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Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1





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About This Product

Q-tip painting is a great way for students to work on developing their fine motor skills and strengthening the hand muscles. This product contains all the Dolch pre-primer word list with dots that students can paint. These activities will help your students work on getting use to holding a pencil by pinch gripping the q-tip.

This item product contains 39 different pages that students can use q-tips to paint in the dots. The pages work best if printed on heavier paper such as card stock.

Each student who works on these projects will create their own unique and colorful painting. This would be a great activity for students who are working at home or online!

What's Included

1 PDF file with 39 pages.

Resource Tags

sight words sight word activities pre primer games painting fun qtip painting

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