Reading Comprehension Quizzes for Grade 5

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Reading Comprehension Quizzes for Grade 5: A Collection of Reading Passages with Comprehension Quizzes and Answer Keys for 5th Grade and Up

This essential resource is designed to actively engage students, boost comprehension skills, and provide effective ELA test preparation and practice.

Reading Comprehension Quizzes is a no-prep, user-friendly resource that includes 4 unique reading passages targeted to a 5th grade reading level. Each reading passage is followed by a quiz comprised of multiple choice questions requiring students to refer back to the text to find evidence that supports their answers, boosting their critical thinking and analytical reading skills. The quizzes can also be used as an assessment tool for students' reading comprehension skill levels.

Reading comprehension is an essential skill for academic success and this resource will provide easy-to-use comprehension quizzes to help master that skill.


• 4 non-fiction informational text reading passages

• Quizzes containing multiple choice questions to reinforce comprehension and close reading skills

• Answer Keys for easy assessment

• No-prep, 16 pages in easily printable PDF format

Although the reading passages and quizzes are targeted to a 5h grade reading level, this resource can also benefit older students. The printable PDF format makes it easy to incorporate these comprehension quizzes into classroom lesson plans, individualized reading programs, homework assignments, assessments and test prep.

The Reading Passages

1. The Legend of the Zodiac

2. Did Columbus Know the Earth Was Round?

3. The Story Behind the Poem In Flanders Fields

4. What Is a Suffragette?

This resource addresses the following 5th Grade Common Core ELA Reading standards.

RI.5.1 RI.5.2 RI.5.10

Resource Tags

reading comprehension quizzes comprehension quizzes ELA test prep test prep 5th grade reading quiz close reading reading comprehension comprehension tests

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