RESTART Comprehension/Vocabulary/Summative Assessment Book Unit

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RESTART is a fantastic book for 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. I wanted to create a unit so teachers can use it at ease and for teachers to see their students grow. They grow because of the 30 chapter lessons. These lessons have core standards in them and are 1-16 or 1-10. Most of the questions consist of comprehension, homophones, vocabulary context clues, art, evidence, and figurative language. The 1-16 lessons have a 5-point multiple choice exit quiz for them. There is also a summary packet the kids can use for the shorter chapters. The comprehension and vocabulary worksheets allow the student to follow and learn the plot very well in a rigorous but fun way. There are also 10 vocabulary 1-12 fill-in-the-blank tests, too. The vocabulary words are challenging, but words that will help them during the story reading. There is also a 1-30 multiple choice final test. There is a research paper prompt and 5 RACES rigorous writing prompts. Finally, the students have a Student Reading Reference Page to help them with the figurative language in the book and assessments.

Resource Tags

Restart Restart Book Study Restart Novel Study

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