Sea Turtles Interactive Foldable Booklets – EBOOK

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Sea Turtles Interactive Foldable Booklets - EBOOK

This engaging EBOOK delivers an interactive learning experience that delves into the fascinating world of sea turtles. This material serves as an invaluable resource for educators in traditional classrooms and homeschool settings alike.

Interactive Foldable Booklets

The package contains two interactive foldable booklets, each dedicated to a specific topic related to sea turtles:

  • Type of Sea Turtles: Covering species like leatherback, hawksbill, loggerhead, flatback, Kemp's ridley and green sea turtle. It offers insights into their distinguishing marks and unique traits.
  • The Sea Turtle Life Cycle: Explores all stages of a sea turtle's life from hatchlings to juveniles then adulthood including related behaviors.

Suitable for Grades 1-8, this material amalgamates zoology-specific information with broader science studies in an exciting learning journey.

Incorporation Methods

Educators can utilize this resource in several ways within their teaching curriculum. They can use it for:

  1. Whole Group Instruction: Introduce new concepts during classroom discussions.
  2. Small Group Activities:Create more detailed exploration activities.
  3. Homeschool or Individual Study: Leverage them as homework assignments.

Digital or Print Format

The EBook provided is available in a PDF format spanning ten pages which you can either print out directly for tactile usage or digitally display on any electronic device—after which children cut out elements to create their own miniature foldable booklets!

Learn about this marvelous marine life through a comprehensive yet concise approach built on solid scientific grounds.

What's Included

10 Pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

sea turtles interactive learning foldable booklets zoology marine life

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