Social Scripts For Older Kids, 10 Short Social Scripts
About This Product
Do you have students who could benefit from a social script but are too old for the traditional kind, with lots of cartoon style graphics?
These 1 page stories are great for the upper elementary student who is having trouble understanding a variety of social skills. These stories are short and to the point and contain very few graphics so that they are more discrete and appealing to older students.
What's Included
Included Please Find: 16 Pages
SOCIAL SCRIPT 1: Staying With The Adult
SOCIAL SCRIPT 2: Playing Safely
SOCIAL SCRIPT 3: Handling Negative Peer Pressure
SOCIAL SCRIPT 4: Following The Rules
SOCIAL SCRIPT 5: Handling Bullies and Bullying
SOCIAL SCRIPT 6: Handling A Boring Moment
SOCIAL SCRIPT 7: Good Student Behavior
SOCIAL SCRIPT 8: Being Flexible
SOCIAL SCRIPT 9: Being A Good Sport
SOCIAL SCRIPT 10: Friendly vs. Mean Teasing
*BONUS STORY: Wearing A Mask