Spanish: Languages of the Americas: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese eBook

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Grade 11, 12



Paul Rallion
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About This Product

Spanish: Languages of the Americas eBook Discover the complex linguistic history of the Americas with this informative Spanish eBook resource. Learn key vocabulary words in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese side-by-side. Before European colonization, thousands of indigenous languages flourished. Today, four languages dominate: Quechua, Guarani, Aymara, and Nahuatl. However, Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese now reign as the most widely spoken. Use this eBook to boost vocabulary and see comparisons across these four languages. Applicable for individual learners or small groups, it provides an accessible reference to build better understanding of the Americas' languages. Author Paul Rallion leverages his multilingual upbringing in El Salvador and France to create a practical, concise resource.

What's Included

A printable 160-page PDF

Resource Tags

Spanish books eBook Languages of the Americas Spanish English French Portuguese Europeans New World indigenous languages

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