Spanish: Verb DECIR Fortune Teller - present tense

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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Spanish: Verb DECIR Fortune Teller - Present Tense

This educational resource proves a fresh tool for teaching the present tense conjugation of the Spanish verb ‘decir’. Ideal for both traditional classrooms and homeschooling setups, it caters especially to students from Grades 9 to 12.

Aligns with Curriculum

  • Falls seamlessly under World Languages curriculum.
  • Puts forward a practical, hands-on approach to learning Spanish verb tenses.
  • Makes lessons interactive via physical activity.

Simplistic Content Delivery

The package includes two easily downloadable PDF files that contain step-by-step guidelines on setup and usage. Super convenient in its print-and-go format, no additional tools or materials are needed.You simply print and teach!

Diverse Applications

Besides whole-group classroom instruction, this teacher's aid serves equally well as:

  • Tailored learning resource during small group activities or individual study units.

  • A fun addition to language-centric game days or as an enrichment material for home practice sessions-it’s perfect for homework!

Cutting-Edge Concept Delivery

This product breathes life into traditional grammar sessions by transforming them into engaging interactions courtesy of its fortune teller concept – universally adored regardless of age brackets!

Harnessing Dual Benefits

The visual-graphical functionality makes this item important in any mastery journey. The minimalistic style keeps the focus on content without falling prey to distracting motifs usually seen elsewhere.

  • Ease of assembly and operation saves valuable prep time.

  • Facilitates enriched content delivery to varying learner types – while visual participants benefit from the figures and charts, kinesthetic learners enjoy hands-on activities through folding/unfolding motions during classwork.


This interactive resource aids students in exploring Spanish language skills further by encouraging critical thinking and creativity which certainly lays a stronger base in their language acquisition adventure.

What's Included

2 PDFs with 1 page each

Resource Tags

Spanish verb conjugation present tense interactive learning grammar

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