Spring Break Narrative Writing Guide!

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Spring Break Narrative Writing Guide

The Spring Break Narrative Writing Guide is an educational tool that enhances students' creative writing skills, strategic thinking, and research abilities. Suitable for educators teaching grade 5-12 Language Arts and for homeschooling parents.

'Planning to Polished'

This guide follows the art of 'planning to polished'. It kick-starts students' writing process by outlining the story before starting the actual writing. Using a narrative map template, students choose potential spring break locations, character development and conflict resolution themes for their story.

Diving into Research Mode

Once decided on their storyline map's location, students transition into research mode, diving deeper into the specifics of their chosen location. This activity can also be beneficial for families planning future vacations! Students then draft a travel-themed narrative using an outline provided in this package.

Fostering Independent Narratives and Homework Assignments

This guide also serves as fun homework assignment or engaging content over several classroom sessions leading up to holiday breaks. Included in this package is comprehensive assessment sheet replete with standards-based grading rubric according to CCRA.W.3, CCRA.R2., CCRA.L1., & CCRA.L2 specifications.

Versatility Features:

  • B&W or color versions options available.
  • Easily implementable via EASEL by TpT making virtual assignments hassle free with no extra preparation needed from instructors end.

Main Takeaways:

The Spring Break Narrative Writing Guide offers insightful, research-backed creative writing assignments that encourage student imagination while learning. It's a professional teaching resource that keeps students motivated during their narrative crafting journey and equips educators with a reliable standards-compliant assessment tool.

What's Included

A “10-second sub plan” (print and drop on your desk!) or the basis of a week-long writing unit (perfect for the lead up to break!), your purchase includes:

A narrative map template that assists students on selecting a spring break location, foil character, conflict, and travel-related theme (almost no writing required!)

A research chart so students can learn about their selected spring break location (great for family trip planning assistance!)

A narrative outline activity, where students can take their map’s visual guidelines and begin drafting a travel narrative

A spring break narrative writing assignment sheet that includes descriptions of famous travel stories, a due date calendar, general narrative writing tips, a peer edit checklist, and standards-based grading rubric (Standards: CCRA.W.3, CCRA.R.2, CCRA.L.1, and CCRA.L.2)

All 4-pages of this lesson are provided in B&W and full color (for lucky teachers with access to color printing!)

Resource Tags

Creative writing Narrative writing Spring break Research-based Educational tool

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