Student Peer Review Worksheet for 3D Model for 3D Print

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About This Product

Introduction to the Student Peer Review Worksheet for 3D Models

The Student Peer Review Worksheet is an innovative teaching resource that provides a structured approach to peer-review in 3D printing. This worksheet, versatile and flexible, is ideal for students across various grade levels and learning environments.

Focused Areas of Learning

This tool uniquely bridges between disciplines like Science, Computer Science, and Design, promoting critical thinking while guiding learners towards project success. With simple instructions on what facets should be inspected before dispatching TinkerCad files for print, it allows students to identify potential inaccuracies by themselves or their classmates.

Potential Questions Asked During the Review Process:

  • 'Is the file named and saved correctly?'
  • 'Are all shapes touching each other?'
  • 'Are shapes laying flat on the workplane?' – focusing on layout precision
  • 'Are hole shapes grouped with solid shapes?' – targeting grouping dynamics
  • If any extra shapes are floating on or off the workplane?

Serving Various Education Settings & Benefiting Educators' Time Management

This worksheet can supervise group projects without compromising individual attentiveness. It could be used during lab sessions where students work together in small groups or individually. Alternatively assigned as homework that encourages student interaction outside classroom—supporting opportunities for improving their 3d modeling skills.

Last but not least - our Student Peer Review Worksheet for 3D Model comes readily available in a PDF file format ready-to-use immediately upon downloading! A convenient benefit when supervising successful classroom projects resulting in quality prints from your school's 3D printer.

What's Included

The worksheet asks the questions:

1. Is it saved and named right?

2. Can I tell what it is when I look at it quickly?

3. Are all the shapes laying flat on the workplane?

4. Are all the shapes touching each other?

5. Are all of the hole shapes grouped with solid shapes?

6. Are there any extra shapes floating on or off the workplane?

Resource Tags

peer-review 3D printing critical thinking project success design accuracy

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