Summer Adding and Subtracting Fractions Pixel Art Activity

About This Product
Engage your 6th-grade students with this summer-themed adding and subtracting fractions mystery picture. This no-prep, self-checking pixel art activity is designed to provide both practice and entertainment for your students.
This activity serves as an excellent opportunity for end-of-year review. It also caters to students who require additional practice with adding and subtracting fractions. By integrating this activity into your lesson plan, you can ensure that your students are having fun while reinforcing their fraction skills.
The activity consists of 20 operations that will be solved using Google Sheets. Students will work through a series of adding and subtracting fractions problems, gradually revealing a mystery picture as they answer each question correctly. This element of surprise adds excitement and motivation to the learning experience, keeping your students fully engaged throughout the activity.
I personally used this activity as a substitute teacher in a sixth-grade classroom, and I can attest to its effectiveness. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were highly engaged in solving the operations and uncovering the mystery picture. This interactive format successfully captured their attention and made the learning process enjoyable.
The activity encompasses a mix of proper and improper fractions, providing students with a comprehensive review of both types. It intentionally excludes negative fractions, simplifying the problems and ensuring a smooth learning experience for all students.
In conclusion, our summer-themed adding and subtracting fractions mystery picture activity is a fantastic way to engage your students while reinforcing their fraction skills.
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, π’/π£ + π€/π₯ = (π’π₯ + π£π€)/π£π₯.)