SUMMER Coloring Pages, Hundreds Chart Color By Number, Mystery Picture

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SUMMER Hundreds Chart

This Summer resource contains 5 Hidden pictures with 3 variations. This resource is perfect for morning work, homework and individual work.

It includes 3 Different versions:

Uncolored hundreds chart with numbers written in the boxes. Blank Hundreds chart with no numbers. (students have to write the numbers from 1 to 100 and then color the boxes following the instructions given). Then there is the answer key. Full colored version for your reference.

These NO PREP worksheets are perfect for morning work, independent practice, small group activities, and homeschool lessons. They offer a fun and interactive way for students to strengthen number recognition, counting, and problem-solving skills while uncovering a hidden summer-themed image.

Designed to be simple, engaging, and easy to follow, these hundreds chart coloring pages encourage students to carefully follow the instructions as they color in the correct squares.

This Summer Hundreds Chart Mystery Picture activity is a fantastic way to combine math with seasonal fun, keeping students motivated and excited about learning. It’s a great addition to any classroom, making number sense practice both educational and enjoyable.

Answer key included for quick and easy reference!

Resource Tags

summer summer coloring pages summer 100s chart color by number hundreds chart coloring pages maths coloring pages mystery picture

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