Telling Date Lapbook

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Grade 3, 4, 5



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About This Product

The Telling Date Lapbook

The Telling Date Lapbook is an immersion-based educational activity that provides students with a hands-on project to supplement their lessons on telling dates. It utilizes a unique format to encourage students' involvement and interest, allowing for the consolidation of language arts concepts.

Engaging Design for Assessment

Designed with assessment in mind, this lapbook encourages critical thinking and creativity as the children apply what they've learned. It includes two individual versions: one for an independent project and another that fosters collaboration and group work.

Foldable Contents

Coupled within its foldable contents is a multitude of features taking learning beyond conventional means by integrating fun features like:

  • Month-of-the-year lollipops,
  • Question cards which can be detailed by students themselves,
  • Months pocket folds,
  • Days of the week flower fold among others promoting reading, writing feeding curiosity while increasing retention.

Multifunctional Calendar Page

A unique aspect of this lapbook is its 'My Calendar' center page - providing an all-encompassing visual aid to not only boost understanding but also create excitement around learning dates. The vocabulary fold allows for customizable word lists to reinforce lesson content further.

In-Classroom/At-Home Usage Flexibility

"The inclusion of a name page and front cover - each 40-page lapbook's personalized touch adds up serving as a showpiece symbolizing their accomplishments best shared during open houses or parent-teacher meetings establishing dialogue between child – parents – educators." The Telling Date Lapbook sets itself apart from traditional approaches by engaging Grade 3-5 students more interactively whilst fostering reading fluency. It also develops essential social skills such as communication & teamwork in ESL learners

While it functions effectively in classroom situations, excellent results can also be achieved even if employed at home schools offering flexibility adapting to varying teaching styles whether imparted individually or collectively assigned as homework assignments.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion; Its intentional design attributes make Telling Date Lapbook quite an essential resource for any educators involved in Language Arts or primarily even ESL where such resources play a significant role not just explaining but engraining fundamental concepts.

What's Included


Two Files: My Telling Date Lapbook (individual project) and Our Telling Date Lapbook (group project)

1. Front cover

2. Name page

3. Title pop-up

4. Lapbook contents (foldables):

a. Month of the year lollipops

b. Question Cards (3 cards with examples; 24 blank cards to be filled by students)

c. Months pocket fold

d. Question card pocket fold

e. My Calendar center page

f. Dates question prompt fold

g. Days of the week flower fold

h. Telling dates vocabulary fold

Total Pages: 40 pages

Resource Tags

hands-on learning language arts interactive activity lapbook calendar

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