The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons Interactive Read-Aloud Activities

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This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book, The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons.

With 21 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student's specific needs and academic abilities. Students will apply listening and note-taking skills, investigate the phases of the moon, compare & contrast, make inferences and connections, learn and apply new vocabulary, identify and gain information using text and graphic features, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and so much more!

Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

⭐️This Resource Includes:⭐️

  • Making Predictions: Before reading the book, students will make predictions about the text.

  • “The Moon Book” Students Notes Booklet: While reading the story, students will take notes in their booklets. This activity includes 12 half pages (ANSWER KEY included).

  • Print the booklets double-sided and select the printing option, "flip on the short side."

  • New Vocabulary: Students choose 4 new words they learned while reading The Moon Book, write the definitions, and draw a picture to represent each word.

  • Phases of the Moon: Students will shade in the part of the moon that is not visible during each of the moon phases (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Label the Moon Phases: Students will write the name of the moon phase shown in each illustration (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Moon Milestones, Who Am I?: Students match the names in the word bank to the descriptions (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Word Scramble: Students use the details from the book to unscramble the words (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Fact or Fiction: Students determine whether the details are facts from the story or made-up (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • True or False (bubble answers ONLY): Students read the details and determine whether they are true (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • True or False (bubble answers & correct the false details): Students determine if the details are true or false and rewrite the false statements to make them true (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Text Organization: Students read the main ideas, find three supporting details for each one, and select the text structure the author used to organize the information on the given pages (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Cause & Effect: Students match up the causes to the effects (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • 3-2-1: Students describe three ways that night-sky gazers and astronomers can view the moon, name two things that cover the surface of the moon and choose one word that best describes the moon and explain why.

  • Moon Myths & Legends Match-Up: Students cut out the pictures and glue them in the correct description box (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Compare & Contrast: Students compare and contrast a solar eclipse to a lunar eclipse.

  • Thinking About the Text: Students will answer the questions about the story & include examples from the text to support their answers.

  • Moon ABCs: Students write words or phrases that begin with each letter of the alphabet to show what they learned about the moon.

  • 2 - Crossword Puzzles: Students use the clues and the word bank to fill in the crossword puzzle (ANSWER KEYS INCLUDED).

  • Word Search Puzzle: Students use the clues to fill in the puzzle. Words can go across or down. Letters are shared when the words intersect (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

  • Fun Facts About the Moon: Students record five interesting facts they learned about the moon.

This resource is for extension read-aloud activities only. The book is not included.

Resource Tags

fountas and pinnell second grade elementary ela reading nonfiction science The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons Space moon phases moon

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