The Past Perfect Tense

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ELA, Grammar



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This ebook provides essential information about the Past Perfect Tense, its formation and usage. We use the past perfect to talk about the past, but not just any situation in the past; we use the Past Perfect when we're talking about two events that happened in the past and when one event happened before the other event. So it helps you to order the actions in your story. Think about the Past Perfect as helping us to create a timeline.

If your students have mastered the Present Perfect tense as they should, it will be easy for them to form the Past Perfect as well. We create the Past Perfect by using the verb 'had' the auxiliary verb 'had', followed by our main verb in past participle form.

Students usually confuse the Past Perfect and use the Simple Past instead. Hopefully, this ebook will help them clarify these two distinctive tenses.

Resource Tags

past perfect tense english language grammar elt esl learn exercise

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