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Tic Tac Toe: A Fun and Effective Way to Master CVC Words

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About This Product

Tic Tac Toe: A Fun and Effective Way to Master CVC Words:

Help your students learn and practice CVC words in a fun and engaging way. Tic Tac Toe activity packet, contains 5 pages, one for each vowel sound.

Objective: Have fun playing Tic Tac Toe while improving your reading and spelling skills.

File Type: PDF

How to Use the activity and variations:

By playing Tic Tac Toe with CVC words, students practice reading, spelling, and sounding out real and nonsense words with short vowel sounds.

Tic Tac Toe consists of one vowel sound per page/ game.

  1. Choose a page based on the vowel sound you want to practice.

  2. The first player chooses a word from the grid and reads it aloud. If the word is read correctly on the first try, the player marks it with their marker (X or O). If the word is read incorrectly or not at all, the player loses their turn.

  3. You can also use the word list to make flashcards for the students to practice before playing.

This product is suitable for Native English speakers in kindergarten and first grade, or English Language Learners of all ages practicing their beginning decoding skills. Tic Tac Toe CVC is designed for beginning readers learning to decode and master their short vowel sounds.

You can use Tic Tac Toe for:

  • Whole-class instruction,

  • small-group work,

  • independent practice,

  • homework,

  • Assessment for decoding fluency at the CVC word level.

Resource Tags

phonics esl fluency cvc words decoding nonsense words assessment short vowels

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