Valentine's Day Phonics Game

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Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1



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About This Product

Introducing the Valentine's Day Phonics Game

An innovative teaching resource designed specifically to intrigue and engage children while they enhance their phonics abilities. This unique educational tool caters to varying proficiency levels amongst Early Learning, Kindergarten, Preschool and Grade 1 students.

The Core Game: Flower Picking

At its core, the Flower picking game is a creative way of incorporating gross motor skills into each learner's journey of letter or sound recognition. Over time this game has consistently proved successful in kindling curiosity and creating an ambiance of fun-filled learning among children.

Versatility in Design

The well-thought-out design adds an element of versatility as it allows the game to be adaptable based on available space - it can be effortlessly set up outdoors on a gorgeous sunny day or indoors using flower pots and playdough. This built-in flexibility leads to continuous engagement from learners without geographical limitations.

  • A comprehensive set improved by careful detailing – students receive 26 flowers with uppercase letters and an equivalent number with lowercase ones. To ensure durability in active learning sessions, these paper flowers are intended for printing followed by laminating them for extended use.
  • Carefully crafted paper flowers promise an immersive experience while teaching uppercase and lower-case letters as well as phonics phonemes recognition.
  • Multipurpose resources that can further transform into floor alphabet tiles presenting endless opportunities for educators to employ creative techniques in teaching language arts especially focused on Phonics.

Included Resources: Game Instruction Sheet

Included is a game instruction sheet that breaks down various ways this resource could be employed effectively dealing with various ability groups; whether you're managing whole group instruction or nurturing small study clusters at different stages in their learning paths. Furthermore, this sheet supplies valuable insights that enable teachers to adapt the gameplay mechanics accordingly fostering tailored interventions resulting in enriched subject-wide outcomes.

Technical Specifications

This fantastic educational tool is available for secure download as PDF ensuring versatile use across multiple device platforms thereby making it apt for direct student interaction, be it in conventional classrooms or the booming virtual learning environments. The Valentine's Day Phonics Game sets out to make phonetic learning an exciting adventure that equips students with a strong base while making the teaching process equally enjoyable and gratifying.

What's Included

About this product

This product contains a set of 26 flowers with uppercase and 26 flowers with lowercase letters. This product comes with a game instruction sheet that contains different ways to play the game, catering to multiple ability groups.

Resource Tags

phonics game letter recognition sound recognition gross motor skills immersive learning

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