Valentine's Day Poem Writing
About This Product
Valentine's Day Poem Writing
This is a unique teaching resource designed to integrate creativity with language arts lessons during Valentine's season. It's crafted for educators wishing to explore the parts of speech, with emphasis on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositional phrases.
The Learning Journey
- Starts with a class group scoot game based around a Valentine’s Day theme that revisits key aspects of grammara
- Creation of Valentines' day poems, applying the relearned grammar principles.
- Poetic inspiration:Variety of word banks centered around Valentine's day themes catering specifically to different parts of speech.
- A poem template for structural guidance while constructing poems.
Evaluation and Artefacts
An integral part in this package is thePoem Rubric. This tool emphasizes pairing poetic creativity with fulfilling Common Core standards so academic excellence doesn't get overshadowed by artistic endeavors. Students are given an opportunity to showcase their skills by publishing their literary masterpieces as special Valentine’s day cards!
This teaching method is intended for use in grades 2 through 5. It caters well to various instructional configurations - whether they're large groups or smaller clusters; effectively enhancing teamwork while bolstering individual capabilities synergistically.
Note:The product comes saved as Microsoft PowerPoint file which ensures universal accessibility and ease of use for educators.
What's Included
Parts of Speech review scoot activity + directions + answer key
Valentine's Day Word banks for parts of speech
Valentine's Day Poem template
Poem Rubric
Valentine's Day Poem Final Project