Vocabulary BINGO Game

An educational teaching resource from Hook Learn and Tinker entitled Vocabulary BINGO Game downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

As teachers, we know the major impact that literacy has on our lives.  It is the most fundamental skill that is necessary in order to gain the knowledge of anything else that may peak our interests.  If nothing else is instilled in our students, let the ability and love of reading be the goal we have for them.


It all begins at a young age, from chewing on baby books, to exploring picture books, to being read to by a beloved adult in their lives.  However, as teachers, we have a huge task set before us when it comes to keeping that thirst for knowledge alive in our students.  The best thing we can do for them is build their confidence by taking slow and steady steps. 


This is a Vocabulary BINGO Game that is great for any and all students across any subject. Whether your 3rd grade students need practice with their science vocabulary or your 2nd grade students need practice with math vocabulary, this bingo game will help!


How To Use This Resource:

  • Pass out the BINGO cards to the students.  (You may choose to laminate the cards and have the students use dry erase markers so that you can reuse them.)

  • Have them write a vocabulary word in each space. 

  • Give the letter of B-I-N-G-O and read the definition of a word.*

  • Students should be able to determine what word you defined and mark the square if they have it under the letter you said.  (You can have them mark it by putting a dot or star in the square or by having them circle it or put a slash mark through it.) 

  • Students should say “Bingo” when they get 5 words in a row. As an extra incentive, provide a prize for winners. It could be something as simple as a free homework pass or a chance to tell a quick story about something they did over the weekend.


*You can adjust the rigor of this lesson by giving synonyms or antonyms for this game instead of the definition.


I hope you enjoy!


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You can find more resources at my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/hook-learn-and-tinker

What's Included

AN editable 16-slide PowerPoint

Resource Tags

Vocabulary Game Vocabulary Activity Vocabulary Bingo Bingo Game Whole Group Games Spelling Words Definitions Cross Curricular Game

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