War Horse (2011): Introduction to WWI & Complete Video Guide

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About This Product

War Horse (2011): Introduction to WWI & Complete Video Guide

Ideal for middle and early high school educators, this teaching resource dramatically brings World War I to life. This product is centered around the critically acclaimed movie, War Horse, unraveling themes like human-animal relationships, fortitude, loyalty and the impact of war on all forms of life.

What's included in your purchase:

  • A set of 26 questions, professionally crafted to ensure students engage with key points throughout the powerful story-line.
  • Four historical reference boxes, placed at crucial plot points. These offer deeper historical context thereby strengthening comprehension and learning.
  • An introductory guide about WWI basics and associated vocabulary. This precursor primes students before plunging into more intricate themes related to warfare.
  • The whole product is classroom-ready with ready-to-print feature accessible soon after purchase. It works efficiently across different styles - full group discussions or small group dynamics - further doubling as a homework assignment aid reinforcing learned concepts at home.

Multifunctional And Accessible Across Platforms

The products are offered in multiple file types for easy access by both teachers and students alike. There are two versions included:

  1. A teachers' edition - Complete with detailed answers alongside guidance on classroom discussion direction giving you full control over instruction delivery;
  2. A student-friendly version - With ample space provided for recording their responses engaging them constructively during lesson time promoting active participation.

Add Value To Your Teaching Toolbox Today!

The resource,'War Horse (2011): Introduction to WWI & Complete Video Guide', is designed to broaden students' critical thinking abilities while instilling significant events of world history. An important resource worthy of your educational investment.

What's Included

Reading material



Teacher version

Student version

Resource Tags

WWI History War Horse World War I Education

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