Where Do I Live? Sorting Pockets - EBOOK

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About This Product

"Where Do I Live? Sorting Pockets - EBOOK"
An invaluable teaching resource for educators and homeschooling parents working with Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten grades.
Main Focus:
  • Science & Zoology
  • E-book for green planet
  • Makes learning fun!
Our eBook is in PDF format providing interactive activities across 11 pages that will enhance foundational concepts crucial to both mathematical and reading comprehension skills through the simple act of sorting. Just follow the easy steps to cut out your personal sorting pockets!

This unique eBook prompts children to categorize creatures based on their natural habitats: land, water or sky.

Extending beyond academic value , this exercise also sharpens real-world skills required in executing household chores/tasks thereby empowering these youngsters from early years onwards. <center>You can lay the foundation for successful learners who are ready leads towards holistic development—all under your guidance!.center>
Use it with our other resources like:
  1. Alphabet Sorting Pockets (ranging from A-Z)

  2. -Hones alphabet recognition
    Also, stokes curiosity about colors leading towards a wider perceptual mind map
  3. Vowels & Consonants Sorting Pockets... and more!
This eBook stands as a testimonial improving logical thinking abilities that enforce inherent observational competencies.

What's Included

11 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

sorting zoology habitats interactive activities educational resource

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