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Zora Neale Hurston Interactive Foldable Booklets – EBOOK

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Zora Neale Hurston Interactive Foldable Booklets - EBOOK

An innovative teaching tool that boosts interest in history and encourages student engagement. This ebook provides a comprehensive and interactive learning experience about the celebrated author Zora Neale Hurston.

Details of the eBook:

  • Type: PDF Format
  • Page Count: 10

Included Foldables:

  1. The first foldable focuses on the life and accomplishments of Zora Neale Hurston.
  2. The second explores her most notable novels.
  3. Bonus Feature: Insights into the history of Eatonville, Florida for enriched context.

Suitable for Grades 2 through 12 studying American History within Social Studies. They’re versatile, adaptable, and can be incorporated into various teaching methods such as group tasks or individual activities, in classrooms or as homework assignments. Additionally, the foldables encourage involvement with cut & glue activities that promote hand-eye coordination alongside creative learning.

Cultivating Knowledge Through Engagement

These booklets offer a unique approach towards understanding influential African American authors' life and works through hands-on participation. By following clear-cut instructions provided in these downloadable PDF file booklets students can effectively learn while enjoying their crafting tasks with cutting folding gluing procedures ensuring perfect creation every time!

What's Included

10 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

Zora Neale Hurston Interactive Foldables American History Eatonville African American literature

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