6 Spring Word Searches

About This Product

In this product, you will receive 6 fun and colorful word searches for spring. You will get an Easter Word Search, Mother's Day word search, Spring word search, Cinco De Mayo word search, St. Patrick's Day word search and Mardi Gras word search. Each puzzle comes with a separate page with the answers to where each word is located on the word search. These are fun for calm down/reset areas, early finishers, when there is a substitute teacher and you need an easy activity and so much more. These are great for elementary, upper elementary and middle school. I use word searches a lot in my SEL classes as they are fun and engaging and also help students practice mindfulness while they are doing the word search. It is hard to think about the tough recess or conflict with a friend while completing a word search and hunting for the different words. Students can also work together on these. These are also great for holiday parties, centers, and a fun activity to take home.

For more word searches or SEL products, SEL presentations, and more, please check out my SEL store here:


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Resource Tags

Cinco De May word search Easter Word Search Spring Word Search Mother's Day word search Mardi Gras Word Search St. Patrick's Day Word Search Worksheets

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