7th Grade Math Spiral Review Assessments (All-Year) w/ Student Checklist

An educational teaching resource from The Math Cafe entitled 7th Grade Math Spiral Review Assessments (All-Year) w/ Student Checklist downloadable at Teach Simple.
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Math, Algebra


Grade 7



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About This Product

Ideal Use:

You will begin giving these as maintenance assignments after the first 10 standards have been taught. The first SRA has 10 questions, the 2nd SRA has 11 questions (assessing the first 10, plus the newest 1) and so on. Students can track their progress on their own standards checklist that becomes an essential part of their math notebooks. These SRA's really help keep the kids in shape, not only building their understanding of the topics long after you've had to move on with instruction, but also build endurance for the state test! Use weekly or every other week as a quiz, homework, substitute assignments, or anything you need it to be!

What's Included

-25 Quizzes/654 Questions total

-Spiraled according to Common Core/GSE Pacing Guide

-Links to versions of each assessment for Google Forms

-Student standards checklist included and correlated directly to each quiz (including an editable version)

Resource Tags

spiral review quiz google forms checklist 6th grade math spiral review spiral review in math math spiral review spiral review math

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