AD Word Family Dice Games

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Preschool, Grade 1



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About This Product

AD Word Family Dice Games

AD Word Family Dice Games provide an innovative tool for educators to engage students in reading, writing, and spelling CVC words. Primarily designed for kindergarten and grade 1 learners, these games are optimal for enhancing language arts instruction, contributing to phonics skills acquisition.

Game Features

  • The games provide varying levels of difficulty, supporting learners requiring additional reinforcement with AD word family words.
  • A dice roll determines the target word that students will color, cover, trace or write. This method balances education and interest.
  • The games are ideal for use in literacy centers or phonics stations as tools where students can nurture their onset and rime blending ability.
  • The tracing pages allow student to trace individual rolled words systemically. Or grid pages let them color or cover those words engagingly.

In addition to this impressive list of features is a game called "Three in a Row". Pupils alternate rolling dice followed by coloring corresponding grid words; it's quite engaging for kids when they align three consecutive colored entries!

Maintainance And Reusability

The maintenance aspect is simple - once printed (preferably on card stock) and assembled dice require no subsequent preparation.
For environmentally-conscious educators – mats can be laminated making them reusable by way of dry erase markers.

Skill Assessment Concerns:

    Skill assessments cater efficient aspects:

      ▪ Blending onset and rime aiding effective oral fluency improvement,
      ▪ Reading CVC Words, facilitating vocabulary enhancement,
      ▪ Tracing/writing CVC Words, refining fine motor skills,
      ▪ Spelling that taps into cognitive processing mechanisms fostering long-term memory retention.

Without hesitation we can conclude - AD Word Family Dice Games indeed make a productive addition to any educational toolkit, promising fruitful outcomes while making learning joyous!

Resource Tags

phonics CVC words literacy centers dice games fine motor skills

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