Add and Subtract up to 20 with Equations
About This Product
This Set of almost unlimited differentiated worksheets provides ideal material for your students to practice the various mental math strategies they have learnt for adding and subtracting within 20, now presented in the form of equations.
Set 1 begins with basic addition and subtraction within 10 which for some may be a review from the previous grade.
Set 2, still within 10, it provides a challenge where students are asked to find a missing addend, minuend,subtrahend or solution in a Set of 20 questions.
Set 3 is a straightforward 20 questions to find the sum of 2 numbers within 20
Set 4 follows the same as Set 3 but now for subtraction questions only
Set 5 now mixes addition and subtraction questions
Set 6 follows the same as Set 2 but now up to 20
Set 7: Has 20 questions with either correct or incorrect solutions. Students must decide which and if they think one is wrong they must write down the correct solution.
Sets 8,9 & 10: Students must find their way through the maze by following the path of correct solution to the end firstly with addition only, then subtraction only and finally a mix of both
High Flyers in your class ? Want to give your students more challenging material ?
Sets 11,12 & 13: These extend the limit of calculation up to 30, 40 and 50. Set 11 being an extension of Set 5, Set 12 being an extension of Set 6, and Set 13 an extension of Set 10.
How many Worksheets in each Set ?
Almost unlimited At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers etc) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated .
There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic.
As these worksheets need little explanation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher.
Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, automatically generated when you create a new worksheet.
These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard.