Adding and Subtracting Fractions Math Interactive Notebook
About This Product
This product covers the 2016 Virginia (VA) Standards of Learning (SOL) 3.5: The student will solve practical problems that involve addition and subtraction with proper fractions having like denominators of 12 or less.
(note that this will also work for the 2023 VA SOL 3.NS.3 b-d The student will use mathematical reasoning and justification to represent and compare fractions (proper and improper) and mixed numbers with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10), including those in context. b) Identify a fraction represented by a model as the sum of unit fractions. c) Use a model of a fraction greater than one, count the fractional parts to name and write it as an improper fraction and as a mixed number (e.g., , , , , = 1 ). d) Compose and decompose fractions (proper and improper) with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 in multiple ways (e.g., = + or = + = + ) with models.
It contains notes pages on adding fractions. It also has notes pages on subtracting fractions.
There are practice pages for each topic, with an answer key included.
The notes pages come in two sizes. The first size is a full-page size. You can print them as-is, or you can print them two to a pages. This is what I do as it saves on paper and the sheets will fit in a notebook. The second size is formatted to fit on a standard composition notebook page.
Additionally, there are two links included in the pdf: one which opens a digital version of the notes, and another that opens a slide show version, optimized for a projector or interactive board. In both cases, which you click the link, you will be prompted to make a copy, which you can then use with Google Slides or download and use with Keynote or PowerPoint.
What's included?
Adding Fractions
Adding Fractions Practice
Subtracting Fractions
Subtracting Fractions Practice
Want more fractions notes? Check this Fractions Interactive Notebook out.
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