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Fractions Worksheets
Support your students in mastering fractions with a variety of worksheets that cover fundamental concepts. From identifying fractions to performing operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, these resources offer thorough practice. Use them to build confidence and proficiency in working with fractions.
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of โโknowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of โโprimary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of โโknowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of โโlearning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Comparing Fractions Worksheet: Number Line & Fraction Word Problems
Math, Number Lines, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems
Hereโs a ready-to-go, visual assessment of your studentsโ understanding of ordering and comparing fractions (with like denominators)! They simply cut and paste to show their knowledge of this topic. A worksheet with three comprehension questions is also included! How to Use this Product: Print a two-page worksheet for each student. Do not double-side as they will be cutting. Students cut out the eighths and order them on the number line. I recommend they start with 4/8 and glue it at the halfway point benchmark to space them evenly. Students cut out the sixths and order them on the number line. I recommend they start with 3/6 and glue it at the halfway point benchmark to space them evenly. Your early finishers can cut out the last four challenge fractions and determine where they fall on the number line. This allows them to start to practice early equivalent fraction ideas. Assign students some or all of the comprehension questions on the second worksheet. These questions help students begin to compare fractions with unlike denominators and look for simple equivalent fractions (one half and one whole) in a visual way. This product is designed to be a simple and quick assessment of fraction concepts: comparing and ordering fractions with like denominators, using a number line, common fraction benchmarks, and early fraction equivalency ideas. Of course, you could also use it as an activity in your unit, a homework worksheet, or a math centre. Grades to Use With: This product is well-suited for students in grades 3-5. It could also be used in middle school special education classes. What's Included: 4 Page PDF: Title Page, Number Line Worksheet, Math Questions Worksheet, Answer Key If you enjoy this product, check out other math activities in my store: Grace Under Pressure Pre-Algebra Skills: Expressions, Tables, and Graphs: Real-Life Application in the Wave Pool Problem Multiplication and Addition of Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions in Butter Tart Recipe Activity Practice Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages Using Tenths in Gingerbread Math Equivalent Fractions Practice in a set of 5 Stations
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Fraction, Fraction Benchmarks, Number Line, Hands-on Math, Comparing Fractions Worksheet, Fraction Word Problems, Fractions With Like Denominators, Ordering Fractions, Comparing Fractions
Compare Fractions with different numerators and denominators 4th Grade
Math, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
These resources look at comparing fractions when they have different numerators and different denominators using visual fraction models - the number line and rectangle bar. This leads on to comparing fractions using a numerical method by finding a common denominator. The worksheets begin with a review of comparing fractions with the same denominator or numerator with the number line or rectangle bar which students would have seen in Grade 3. This is a good introduction to the topic as you only have to really compare one number (either the numerator or denominator). There is a worksheets with numerical questions, but you may want to use this for the 'Investigation' Comparing fractions with 1/2 You have the same visual models as above, but you can decide to use either a range of values of the denominators from 3 or 10 or from 8 to 20. Investigating patterns Here you could decide to investigate alternative ways to compare the fractions above by looking for any patterns in the results obtained that will allow your students to answer questions on comparing fractions without the need for visual models or a numerical method. You are provided with Investigation sheets where pupils can gather all their results from completed worksheets and write their statements about the patterns they see. Comparing fractions with different numerators and different denominators This is the core of the topic. There are 3 levels, and at each level there is the choice of using the number line or rectangle bars. Level 1: Denominators lie between 3 and 10 Level 2: Denominators lie between 3 and 20, with one is a multiple of the other. Here, it may be useful to refer back to the work done on Equivalent fractions as a double check on the answers could be done numerically. Level 3: Denominators are between 3 and 20 Transition from visual models to a numerical method Students get to see that the easiest way to compare two fractions is if they have the same denominators, then there is only the numerators to think about. This is explained firstly through using a visual fraction model which is then linked to the idea of creating a common denominator between the two fractions by multiplying the 2 denominators together (all explained in the Guide). Numerical Worksheets There are 6 sets of worksheet here: - Comparing fractions to 1/2 - Compare Fractions (1) - Denominators from 3 to 12 - Compare Fractions (2) - One Denominator is a multiple of the other - Compare Fractions (3) - Denominators from 3 to 20 - Compare Fractions (4) - Denominators from 8 to 20 The first 2 cover the early work and could also be used with the Investigation, the others could be used for by students drawing their own number lines or rectangle bars or for the numerical method outlined above. Click, Print and Go- No-Prep Worksheets You will have ready a set of straightforward no-prep worksheets that require virtually no instructions. Each worksheet with the number line or rectangle bar has a small example at the top of the page to remind students of what they have to do .... very useful for homework. They are also ideal for an end of lesson activity, and to have ready for a replacement teacher if needed. How many worksheets are there in total ? Virtually unlimited ... At the click of a button all the questions are randomised, so the worksheet is different every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers, etc.) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated . There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. You could also use any of the worksheets to explain or introduce the subject to your class as you will have almost unlimited examples to work with and they will be different from the actual worksheets you hand out to your students. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Common Core - CCSS4.NF.A.2 Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Almost unlimited number of no prep worksheets at multiple levels, plus a set of templates for investigating patterns when comparing fractions, plus a guide
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Math, Fractions, Comparing Fractions, Compare Fractions Visual Model , Fractions Number Line, Common Denominator, Equivalent Fractions, 4th Grade Fractions, Jeff's Notebooks, Interactive Whiteboard, Denominators And Numerators, 4th Grade Comparing Fractions Worksheets, Comparing Fractions With Like Numerators, Ordering Fractions Worksheet 4th Grade
Fraction Practice Questions With Answers (Age 9-12)
Math, Fractions, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Fraction Practice Questions With Answers (Age 9-12) Fraction Practice Questions With Answers (Age 9-12) is a meticulous pack of exercises aimed at fostering a strong understanding of fractions in students aged between 9 to 12. This teaching resource targets the key struggle areas and hard-to-grasp concepts in mathematics that typically affect young learners. The collection provides extensive practice sessions with a focus on both easy and complicated topics. Features: The resource delves into various aspects regarding fractions. It includes working out the fraction of a shaded shape, exploring half, quarter, or three-quarter of an amount and establishing an understanding of fractions as integral parts of wholes. Additionally, it features exercises on finding equivalent fractions and cancelling down to the lowest terms. Apart from this, it extends its reach to tackle more advanced areas like finding the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM), arranging fractions according to size or magnitude, adding up, subtracting multiplying and dividing diverse fractions along with comprehending improper fractions. Note: This comprehensive pack was constructed keeping in mind the need for greater engagement towards each mathematical concept under discussion. It firmly believes in student interaction through multiple exercises fostering not just higher-order thinking but also concreteness in comprehension leading towards higher math skills acquisition. Purpose: The resource can serve as an invaluable tool during whole group instruction or personalized elective small groups cutting across grade levels such as Grade 4 through Grade 6 Maths classrooms or can be handed over as single academic tasks for homework assignments thus providing reinforcement after school hours. This product comes complete with answers ensuring evaluation ease while leaving ample room for educator intervention also making it favourable among homeschoolers who wish to strengthen their curriculum foundation in Mathematics particularly focusing on Fractions subtopic. Format: Being user-friendly PDF type worksheets format spanning across elaborate sixty-three page layout is cherry-on-top accessibility feature benefiting both educators trying to make abstract mathematical models highly tactile ones while including diversity among learnersโ experience enriching arithmetic journey holistically. Check out our website for more products www.guineapigeducationshop.com .
Author Guinea Pig Education
Tags Fraction Practice, Math Exercise, Equivalent Fractions, Adding Fractions, Improper Fractions
Funny Frank Does Not Fear Fractions (9-12 years)
Math, Fractions, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Funny Frank Does Not Fear Fractions (9-12 years) Funny Frank Does Not Fear Fractions is an engaging teaching resource tailored for students aged 9 to 12. This high-quality learning material focuses on key elements of fraction-based mathematics, presenting them in a way that is both captivating and interactive. The content covers: Equivalent fractions Fractional parts The conversion of fractions to decimals Improper fractions and mixed numbers โ all integral aspects of math curriculum for Grade 4 through Grade 6. Interestingly, the resource employs humor as an educational tool through the use of charismatic cartoon characters like Felicity Factor and Max Multiple. They are designed to not just entertain but to aid learners in grasping concepts that may initially seem complex or confusing. This dynamic packet provides unique opportunities for different learning formats including whole class activities, smaller group settings, one-on-one lessons with students struggling in particular areas or as additional practice at home. The flexibility of its use proves beneficial for educators hoping to diversify their teaching methods while maintaining effectiveness. The pack contains seven pages worth of exercises that come complete with answers helping teachers assess each child's understanding ensuring they've fully grasped the concept before moving forward. As a PDF file type, this learning material can be conveniently saved and printed out by parents and teachers as needed without any degradation in quality. Funny Frank Does Not Fear Fractions supports both traditional classrooms as well as home-schooled environments where effective resources dedicated towards enriching education are valued highly. It serves well alongside other schemes enhancing mathematical abilities offering reliable assistance based on tried-and-true pedagogical principles wrapped up in a fun package. In conclusion, Funny Frank Does Not Fear Fractions brings together math education and humor creating an effective educational experience suitable for children between nine and twelve years old which will no doubt leave lasting impressions on young mathematical minds.
Author Guinea Pig Education
Tags Funny Math, Fractions, Interactive Learning, Engaging Resources, Humor
Surface Area Worksheet and Volume Calculations: Real-Life Math
Math, Geometry, Fractions, Measurements, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems
Here's a fun and engaging lesson that helps students apply the geometry skills they are learning in the classroom to a real world mathematical situation: painting a doghouse. It is designed to address the Common Core State Standards 6.G.A.2 and 6.G.A.4: Finding volume and surface area and drawing nets. Students will: Determine how many faces there are on a compound three dimensional shape (including a rectangular prism & a triangular prism). Sketch the faces/create a net on the grid provided (one face includes a fractional length of ยฝ inch). Use a table to help calculate the surface area of all of the faces. Calculate the volume of this compound shape using a table to organize the information. Answer the provided discussion questions. These are provided to get students thinking about the concepts of geometry and include the questions: Explain why you didnโt calculate the area of the base of the doghouse. If each container of paint covers 200 inchesยฒ, how many containers should you buy? Why would it be useful to know the volume of the doghouse? Students are also asked about the formulae for volume of a rectangular prism and triangular prism. Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed to target Common Core State Standards for 6th grade geometry. It could also be used for enrichment in 5th grade, review in 7th or 8th grades, or in a high school special education classroom. What's Included: 6 Page PDF Title Page Grid for Drawing Nets Extra Grid Paper Tables for Calculating Surface Area and Volume Discussion Questions Complete Answer Key If you enjoy this geometry activity, check out others in my store: Geometry Project: Park Design: Area, Perimeter, and Volume with Budgeting Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Triangles, Angles, Area Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Area, Perimeter, and Volume Relationship Between Area and Perimeter: Math Inquiry Prompt
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Surface Area, Volume, Geometry, 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, 7th Grade Math, Grade 7 Math, Nets, Surface Area Worksheet, Volume Worksheet
Converting Fractions to Decimals Worksheet: Number Line Cut & Paste
Math, Number Lines, Decimals, Fractions, Grade 4, 5, 6, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Hereโs a ready-to-go, visual assessment of your studentsโ understanding of decimal and fraction benchmarks! They simply cut and paste to show their comprehension of this topic. This is a great way for students with different ability levels (and English comprehension levels) to show their math knowledge: without being hampered by reading comprehension or written output challenges. This one-page assessment includes a number line from 0 to 1. Students first cut out 14 decimal and fraction pairs (common benchmarks like 1/2 and 0.333) and determine where they should be pasted on the number line. This ensures they know the decimal value of each fraction given and how to order them by size. For an extra challenge, 4 more fractions and decimals are given (such as 11/12- that are not familiar benchmarks). Students must estimate where they would be placed on the number line and glue them there. How to Use this Product: This product is designed to be a simple and quick assessment of fraction and decimal conversion, estimating, using a number line, and common fraction and decimal benchmarks. Of course, you could also use it as an activity in your unit, a homework worksheet, or a math centre. Grades to Use With: This product is well-suited for students in grades 4-6. It aligns to 4th Grade Common Core Standards in the United States and Grade 5 Mathematics Standards in British Columbia, Canada. What's Included: 3 Page PDF: Title Page, Student Page, Answer Key If you enjoy this product, check out other math activities in my store: Grace Under Pressure Pre-Algebra Skills: Expressions, Tables, and Graphs: Real-Life Application in the Wave Pool Problem Multiplication and Addition of Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions in Butter Tart Recipe Activity Practice Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages Using Tenths in Gingerbread Math Equivalent Fractions Practice in a set of 5 Stations
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Decimal, Fraction, Fraction To Decimal, Decimal To Fraction, Decimal Benchmarks, Fraction Benchmarks, Number Line, Converting Fractions To Decimals Worksheet, Hands-on Math
Percent Word Problems: Calculating Taxes, Tips, Sale Prices Worksheets
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Math, Percentages, Decimals, Money, Fractions, Finance, Home Economics, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets
Percent Math Lesson: Calculating Taxes, Tips, and Sale Prices Here's a ready-to-go lesson for your middle school math unit on percentages. It encourages students to use multiple methods and mental math when calculating the tax, tip, or sale price for everyday transactions. This is one of the times you can easily say to your students, "You will use this math regularly in your life!" How to Use: Start with the handout, which goes through three simple methods for calculating percentages. Benchmark: An easy calculation strategy using familiar percentages like 1%, 10%, and 50%. Decimals: Calculating involves multiplying the amount by its matching decimal form percentage. Fractions: Division based on fraction equivalents is used for identifying certain percentage amounts. Tell your students that certain methods work best for certain situations. For example, the fraction method is great for 50% or 25% off. The benchmark method is easy when calculating a 10% tip. The decimal method works great for calculating 12% tax. Next, students have six real world math problems to tackle involving taxes, tips, and sale prices. They can use any of the strategies to solve any of the problems- they should choose the one that is the easiest to use for each scenario! Students can work individually or in pairs or small groups collaboratively. Grades to Use With: This lesson is perfect for grade 7 classes that are working on Proportional Relationships to solve multistep problems. It could also be used for enrichment in grade 6 or for a review and lesson about multiple strategies in grades 8 and 9. Finally, it could be used in high school special education classrooms. What's Included: Ready-to-print 5 Page PDF with a title page, handout, 2 pages of practice questions, and a complete answer key! If you like this percentage activity, check out others in my store: Math Stations: Percent, Decimals and Fractions Visual Math: Percentages, Decimals, Ratios and Fractions Posters Grocery Store Shopping: Price Comparisons
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Percent Calculations, Real-world Math, Percentages, Financial Literacy, Mental Math, Fractions, Decimals, Budget, Percent, Percent Word Problems
Spring Equivalent Fractions Matching Game Activity - Printable
Holiday & Seasonal, Seasons, Spring, Math, Fractions, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Need a Spring activity for practicing equivalent fractions with your kiddos that will be fun and engaging? This math memory matching game is perfect for getting your students focused on equivalent fractions! I have included cards with fractions represented in different ways. You can use them in any combination you wish - whether by printing 2 sets of the same version, or different versions that you mix and match. The choice is up to you, so you can cater to the specific needs and level of your students! You can also adjust the difficulty level by using more or less cards at a time! Preparation: There are 3 versions of the cards to choose from: Fraction circles Fraction circles with symbols Fraction symbols Choose the cards you wish to use and print them. Print the card backs on the back of the cards. Cut the cards out and laminate (optional, but recommended so that the game will last) Black and White Printing options are also included Please note: Unlike in the digital version of this game , there are multiple options for some of the equivalent fractions (for example, there are 6 different cards that all equal 1/2). This is intentional, so that students can practice equivalent fractions with a variety of options, and not always the same fractions. You can choose if you wish to only use 1 pair of cards for each basic fraction at a time, or more than 1 pair. If you choose to use more than 1 pair, be sure to select an even number of cards for each basic fraction so that all cards will have a matching partner. This will also mean that there will be more than 1 possible matching card when students are playing the game . For instance, if a student were to turn over 1/2 and 2/4, it would be a match. But if the student were to turn over 2/4 and 3/6 instead, it would also be a match. Adjusting the level: Select and use a smaller number of cards to make the activity easier. Ensure that the cards you select are matching pairs. How To Use This Activity: This game can be used with 1 or more players. 1 Player: Shuffle cards and place them face down in a grid formation, Turn 2 cards over and see if they match. If the cards match, you get to remove them and put them to the side. If the cards do not match, turn them back over. Now turn over 2 new cards and repeat the process. See how quickly you can find all the pairs of matching cards! 2 Player (or more players if desired): Shuffle cards and place them face down in a grid formation, Player 1 turns over 2 cards and sees if they match. If the cards match, Player 1 removes them and keeps them. Then Player 1 gets to go again! If the cards do not match, Player 1 turns them back over and it is Player 2โs turn, etc. Each time a player gets a match, they get to keep the cards and go again. If they do not get a match, they turn the cards back over and it is the next playerโs turn. Continue playing until all the cards are finished. The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner! Your kiddos will love practicing equivalent fractions with this fun spring themed matching game ! I also have other spring themed fractions matching games available - both PRINTABLE and DIGITAL options - CLICK HERE to check them out! You may also be interested in some these resources: ยท Fractions bingo games ยท Fractions matching games ยท Number bonds activities ยท Skip counting bingo games ยท Times tables board games ยท Times tables matching games
Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection
Tags Fractions, Memory Game, Matching Game, Fractions Game, Equivalent Fractions, Common Fractions, Fractions Activity, Spring, Spring Day, Cccfms
Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme
Math, Patterns, Time, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Fractions, Geometry, Measurements, Division, Place Value, Subtraction, Grade 3, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets
```html Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme The Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme resource is a unique mix of math practice and the exciting world of various sports, designed to engage any sports-enthused, third-grade student. This compilation makes learning fun and relatable, making it an excellent choice for teachers looking for effective ways to reinforce end-of-year math concepts or as an extra homework packet during summer break. Usability These worksheets are perfect for both classroom instructions and homeschooling. They comprehensively cover most third grade mathematics standards while keeping learners interested with its vibrant sports theme. Variety of Problems Multiplication Division Fractions Geometry Aditions/ Subtractions etc. Skill-Building Areas: Time Estimation Skills The resource comprises 30 printable worksheets on different themes ranging from football to snowboarding ensuring no dull moments for your learners by providing variety yet offering consistent reinforcement. The pack's accessible nature appears suitable not just for complete class sessions but also boosts proficiency among small groups or individuals needing focused attention on certain areas. Distributing these worksheets could even serve as substantial bonus homework assignments aimed at testing independent thinking among students outside standardized setups! Economical Utility: . Designed thoughtfully with budget constraints in mind โ the package includes both color printouts along with economically printer-friendly black & white duplicates providing identical content appeals to everyoneโs convenience! Last But Not The Least - The Answer Key! An indispensable add-on to this resource is the Answer Key. This feature accelerates marking tasks by providing accurate answers, guaranteeing relief from daunting correction workload and saving a significant chunk of valuable time for educators! ```
Author Quail Trail Products
Tags Math Practice, Sports Theme, Third Grade, Worksheets, Answer Key
Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators - 4th Grade Math
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Fractions, Grade 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
These 14 sets of differentiated worksheets aims to develop all the skills needed to add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. Combining 2 important areas of the Common Core 4th grade Math curriculum on fractions these resources create a smooth transition from adding and subtracting fractions less than one to adding and subtracting mixed numbers, all with the same denominators. The method used is as follows: 1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions 2. Add or subtract the improper fractions 3. Convert the final fraction back to a mixed number. There are some important additional interim steps included to make the process complete: Set 1: Add 2 fractions with the sum < 1 Set 2: Add 3 fractions with the sum < 1 Set 3: Subtract with both fractions < 1 Set 4: Numerical questions: Addition & subtraction, all fractions and answers < 1 Set 5: Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers Set 6: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions Part 1: Whole number = 1 Set 7: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions Part 2: Whole numbers from 1 to 4 Set 8: Numerical questions: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions Set 9: Add 2 fractions , each < 1 but their sum >1 Set 10: Numerical questions: Add 2 or 3 fractions with sum > 1 Set 11: Add 2 mixed numbers Set 12: Subtract mixed numbers Set 13: Numerical questions: Add 2 mixed numbers Set 14: Numerical questions: Subtract mixed numbers All the above, except where it states 'Numerical questions' , use visual fraction models. Within all of the sets you have a choice of the level of questions. With the visual fraction models, you can decide on 3 levels how much information to provide. For the Numerical questions there are 2 levels where the range of denominators used are different, and in set 13 & 14 the range of whole numbers. A little memory jogger on each Worksheet At the top of the worksheets using the visual fraction model there is an example shown as a memory jogger and as a teaching tool if needed. How many worksheets are in each set ? Lots and lots. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers etc) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated . There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. You could also use any of the worksheets to explain or introduce the subject to your class as you will have almost unlimited examples to work with and they will be different from the actual worksheets you hand out to your students. As these worksheets need little explanation and no preparation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, are automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Common Core 4.NF.B.3.A A Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole. 4.NF.B.3.C Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Australian Curriculum Year 5 Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominators (ACMNA103)
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Mixed Numbers, Fractions, Adding Mixed Numbers, Subtracting Mixed Numbers, Adding Fractions, Subtracting Fractions, Visual Fraction Model, 4th Grade, Jeff's Notebooks, Interactive Whiteboard
Connecting decimal to fractions with denominators of 10 or 100
Math, Decimals, Fractions, Grade 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
For teachers searching for a scaffolded set of no-prep (almost) unlimited worksheets for students to practice and become fluent with converting between decimals and fractions with denominators of either 10 or 100, these resources will be a valuable asset. The worksheets follow a pathway that aims to build the necessary skills step by step starting with tenths, then for the second part moving onto hundredths, each part employing graphic support of the 100 square, and the number line. Add in converting between decimals and fraction by using the expanded form of both, a purely numerical worksheet and writing measurements in centimeters & meters you have a full and varied package. The Worksheets are arranged in the following Sets: 1: Square grids, tenths & decimals in place value tables 2: Decimals & fractions on a number line - 10 divisions 3: Decimals on a number line with 10 divisions 4: Decimals on a number line spread across 2 units - 10 divisions 5: Square grids, tenths & decimals in place value tables 6: Decimals & fractions on a number line - 100 divisions 7: Decimals on a number line - 100 divisions 8: Estimating decimals to 2 decimal places on a number line with 10 divisions 9: Write fractions in expanded form then converting to decimals 0: Write decimals in expanded form & converting them to fractions 11: Numerical worksheets converting between decimals & fractions 12 & 13: Decimal measurements - converting between meters & centimeters A standout feature is the worksheet randomization. With a single click, educators can generate an entirely new set of questions, making it a renewable resource for the entire school year. Be it for classwork, revision, or homework, the adaptability ensures students achieve proficiency in the topic. Each worksheet concludes with an automatically generated answer key on its second page, offering a quick reference point for educators. And if there's ever a need for a last-minute lesson or work for a substitute teacher, these sheets are a reliable fallback. The resource has interactive teaching pages for Set 1 & 5, an excellent fit for collective classroom exercises. These pages, suitable for whiteboard instruction, grant real-time feedback. The built-in calculator feature ensures answers are only a click away. Lastly, it's essential to note that these resources are compatible PDF documents. They operate seamlessly with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on both Windows and Mac. Plus, the randomizing features are effortlessly accessible via touchscreen devices or interactive whiteboards. This resource is also recommended for: Texas 4.3.G Represent fractions and decimals to the tenths or hundredths as distances from zero on a number line. Australia Year 4 Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation (ACMNA079) UK National Curriculum Year 4 Number โ fractions (including decimals) Recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten. recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Math, Decimals, Fractions, Tenths, Hundredths, Fractions To Decimals, Decimals To Fractions, Grade 4, 4th Grade, Jeff's Notebooks
Autumn and Fall Math Worksheets
Holiday & Seasonal, Seasons, Fall, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Fractions, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Revitalize math review sessions with an engaging autumn/fall theme that will keep students excited and motivated to learn! Introducing our "Fall Into Math Autumn/Fall Math Packet" โ a comprehensive resource consisting of three skill-building worksheets in an autumnal setting. With a focus on addition, multiplication, and fractions, this packet provides a well-rounded math review experience. In the addition worksheet , students will encounter problems with 3, 4, and 5 digits, cleverly presented inside charming apples. After calculating the answers, students will have the fun task of coloring the apples either red or green, depending on whether the answer is even or odd. This activity not only reinforces addition skills but also introduces the concept of even and odd numbers in an engaging way. The multiplication worksheet offers two parts. In the first section, students are provided with answers and must write the corresponding multiplication problems, with the order of factors being flexible. The second section presents students with multiplication problems, challenging them to calculate and write the correct answers. The fractions worksheet encourages students to showcase their understanding of fractions by coloring in the fractional parts accurately. This hands-on activity promotes visual learning and reinforces fraction concepts in a creative and enjoyable manner. With included answer keys for each page, you'll have a convenient tool for assessing student progress and providing immediate feedback. This PDF packet comprises six pages, with the first three being the worksheets and the last three featuring the corresponding answer keys. You have the flexibility to distribute these worksheets individually over the months of September or October, or you can opt to use them together as a comprehensive math packet. Don't miss out on this engaging resource that will make math review a joyous autumn adventure for your students. Get your "Fall Into Math Autumn/Fall Math Packet" PDF today and experience the delight of learning with an autumn twist!
Author Life with 5 Boys
Tags Math Activities, Multiplication, Fractions, Addition
Equivalent Fractions - Numerical method with multipliers and divisors
Math, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
A large supply of Worksheets to practice creating equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing the numerator and the denominator of a given fraction by the same whole number. There are 9 Sets of Worksheets that aim to build up the knowledge, skills and confidence of your students in this topic and provides you with the freedom to set work at different levels according to the needs of your students. Worksheet Set 1: Given one fraction and the multiplier, pupils have to find the equivalent fraction Worksheet Set 2: Both equivalent fractions are shown and pupils have to find the multiplier that connects them. Worksheet Set 3: More challenging. The minimum, but sufficient information is given for pupils to find the equivalent fraction and/or the multiplier connecting them. Worksheet Set 4 to 6: These follow the same pattern as above, but now the fractions are connected by divisors. Worksheets Set 7 to 9: These again follow the same pattern as above, but now the fractions are connected by a mix of multipliers and divisors. How many worksheets are in each set ? Lots and lots. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers, etc.) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated . There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. As they need little explanation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher. Answers ? These are automatically generated every time for all worksheets. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac) or on an Interactive Whiteboard Common Core Standards (or printables /parts-of-and-anatomy-of">parts of ) covered CCSS3.NF.A.3b Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, (e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3) You may also like: Equivalent Fractions using Rectangles - a visual approach - Worksheets + Equivalent Fractions on the Number Line Worksheets 3rd Grade
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Equivalent Fractions, Fractions, Math, Jeff's Notebooks, Grade 3, Grade 4, Worksheets, Generate Equivalent Fractions, Interactive Whiteboard
Spring Fractions Matching Game Activity - 1/2s to 1/5s - Printable
Holiday & Seasonal, Seasons, Spring, Math, Fractions, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Spring Fractions Matching Game Activity - 1/2s to 1/5s - Printable This is an educational resource designed predominantly for educators. It benefits students from grade 1 through to grade 4, solidifying and improving their understanding of halves and fifths. The Spring Fractions resource is a memory matching game with a festive touch, integrating holidays and seasonal motifs into its design. Through the adjustable difficulty level, this activity can suit both large school classes or smaller homeschooling situations. Preparation: Print the cards available. Cut them up individually. Laminate(Optional) for longevity purposes. Kids-friendly designs: game rules are straightforward:All you need to do is flip over pairs of cards and match them together if they are identical while using correct visualization techniques along certain mathematical principles. Despite looking like fun on surface โ it provides deeper learning outcomes through repeat play sessions which will help reinforce recognition patterns. One can also opt for economic black & white printing options that have been thoughtfully included as alternatives. A versatile teaching tool:This product proves very handy across several situations suiting either single-player engagement or multi-player sessions involving two or more players. It also serves as an excellent tool across varying teaching strategies supporting group instruction, independent work or homework assignments reinforcing practical understanding about fractions in a charming spring themed manner.
Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection
Tags Spring Fractions, Matching Game, Memory Game, Visual Representation, Hands-on Learning
Decomposing Fractions - Grade 4 Worksheets
Math, Fractions, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Decomposing fractions deals with the breaking down of a fraction or whole number into a sum of simpler parts. It provides a good foundation for addition and subtraction of fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed fractions and also makes word problems easier. These worksheets aim to develop the skills and understanding of decomposing fractions by ensuring you can choose from a sufficient number of levels of worksheets with and without visual support, and where needed repeat a level with a different set of questions as many times as is needed. There are 5 levels of worksheets with visual support which form a natural progression: Decompose fractions less than 1 to unit fractions Decompose fractions less than 1 to 2 fractions Decompose a fraction less than 1 to 3 fractions Decompose a Whole Number to 2 fractions Decompose an improper number then write as a mixed number Differentiation within each level For each of the above there are a number of options available that will enable you to choose how much information your students need to complete a worksheet e.g. you may want themto: -only to fill in the numerators for the decomposed fractions -write out the fully the fraction before and after decomposition using colored fraction bar -color in the fraction bar -find the missing numerators or denominators using the shown numbers as clues How many worksheets are there ? Lots and lots. There are 22 worksheet templates BUT at the click of a button numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets at the same level for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions again all at the same level. The multiple levels of worksheets means that you can differentiate from the very start and have the freedom to set the pace of work that you think is best for each student. With these worksheets there is a simple example at the top of the page as a memory jogger Numerical Worksheets There are 2 further sets of worksheets with numerical based questions. The first covers decomposing fractions to unit fractions and 2 or more fractions. The second set has questions on decomposing improper numbers then writing them as mixed numbers. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, are automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. As these NO PREP worksheets need little explanation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher. Blank Templates In addition there are blank templates of each of the 5 formats above that can be used for a more open-ended activity where students can create their own worksheets on decomposing fractions. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Common Core CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.B.3 Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.B.3.B Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Math, Fractions, Decomposing Fractions, Decompsoing Fractions Less Than 1, Decomposing Fractions Greater Than One, Decomposing A Whole One, Jeff's Notebooks, Grafe 4, Fraction Worksheets, Worksheets, Decompose Fractions Worksheet, Decomposing Fractions 4th Grade Worksheet, Decomposing Fractions Worksheet Pdf, Decomposing Fractions Worksheets, Decomposing Mixed Numbers Worksheet, Decomposing A Fraction, Decomposing Fractions Worksheet 4th Grade Pdf, Decomposing Fractions Worksheet, Decomposing Mixed Numbers, Decomposing Fractions 4th Grade
4th Grade Adding & Subtracting Fractions Notes
Math, Fractions, Grade 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
These are 4th Grade Adding & Subtracting Fractions Notes. They make an effective set of guided notes that will provide example problems and give students steps for how to solve them. On each page, there are 2 problems that students will complete with a partner and then 2 problems that students will complete independently. All you have to do is print and go. Answer keys included.
Author That One Cheerful Classroom
Tags Math Notes, Fractions Homework, Guided Notes, Math Worksheets, 4th Grade Math, Adding Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Subtracting Fractions
5th Grade Summer Review or Practice Math Workbook
Math, Fractions, Graphing, Multiplication and Division, Order Of Operations, Addition and Subtraction, Algebra, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Workbooks, Word Problems, Worksheets
Keep your students engaged and confident in math all summer long with this 5th Grade Summer Math Review Packet ! Designed to prevent the summer slide , this resource provides targeted practice on 20 essential 5th grade Common Core math skills โall identified as challenging concepts that lay the foundation for 6th-grade success . Whatโs Included? โ Teaching or note sheets for each skill โ Practice worksheets for reinforcement โ Detailed answer keys with step-by-step solutions โ Pre-review pages for select skills to refresh prior knowledge โ Teaching & tutoring tips for parents and educators Math Skills Covered: Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers: word problems Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses Convert decimals between standard and expanded form using fractions Compare decimal numbers (Ordering decimals included) Add and subtract decimals: word problems Multiply a decimal by a power of ten Multiply money amounts: multi-step word problems Divide by decimals Understand fractions as division: word problems Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems Multiply two fractions Divide unit fractions and whole numbers: word problems Add, subtract, multiply, and divide mixed numbers Graph points from a table Multi-step problems with customary unit conversions Describe relationships among quadrilaterals Volume of compound figures Create and interpret line plots with fractions This packet is easily formatted to print and bind for a summer workbook or could be used individually in tutoring sessions or summer school lessons, as review worksheets. Practice could also help those that are skipping a grade in math, to ensure understanding of concepts that may be missed in the transition. Tags: 5th grade math review, summer math packet, prevent summer slide, 5th to 6th grade math transition, common core math worksheets, math tutoring resources, printable math workbook, summer school math activities, fractions and decimals practice, multiplication and division word problems
Author Kel's Klass
Tags 5th Grade Math Review, 5th Grade Summer Math Packet, Prevent Summer Slide, 5th To 6th Grade Math Transition, Common Core Math Worksheets, Math Tutoring Worksheets, Summer School Math Workbook, Adding And Subtracting Fractions, Multiplication And Division Practice
Fractions Distance Learning Packet
Math, Fractions, Grade 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Whether the learning is taking place in-person or distance, you may be on the hunt for interactive activities that your students will enjoy. This is a Fractions Packet that your 2nd grade students can complete virtually. If your students have one to one devices in the classroom, it can be completed during school hours. The topic is Creating Fractions with Rectangles. You can have students complete this in small groups, in partners, or individually. The packet is broken down into 3 sections or 3 slides: --Skill Introduction and Vocabulary. Students will be introduced to the vocabulary fraction and partition. On this slide, they will drag words, lines and fractions to the correct places. --Review and Practice. Students will review the vocabulary words they learned in the first section. On this slide, they will drag words and lines to the correct places. They will use the shapes to shade the fractions. --Real World Application. On this slide, students will draw on a piece of paper and attach it to the space provided on the page. The 3 sections can be broken down into 3 days. I hope you enjoy! Here are similar resources for you to enjoy: https://teachsimple.com/product/themed-art-by-month You can visit my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/hook-learn-and-tinker I can be contacted for questions and concerns at amberhook22@gmail.com .
Author Hook Learn and Tinker
Tags Distance Learning, Fractions Packet, Virtual Math Lesson, Math Vocabulary, Graphic Organizers, Shading Fractions, Real World Application, Skill Review
Ratios, Rates, Percentages Worksheets: Applied Math Housing Math
Special Resources, Life Skills, Life Studies, Home Economics, Finance, Math, Percentages, Fractions, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets
Would you like to show your middle grades students in grades 6-9 how the ratio and rate math skills (percentages, fractions, ratios, and rates) that they have been learning in the classroom can be helpful in their real lives? Would you like to incorporate more useful life skills in your math class? Then, show your students all the ways math can be used in buying and/or renting homes! This makes math meaningful and helps engage reluctant learners! What's Included: 6 pages of worksheets that are ready to print and use (great to make a booklet or mini-unit) A Complete Answer Key is Included 1) Design Your Floorplan: Students will design a simple one-storey house that includes five rooms and hallways. They will calculate what percent of the home each room occupies. 2) Down Payments: Students will calculate the down payment & mortgage loan amount for different scenarios using whole-number percents or fractions. 3) Mortgage Payments: Students will use ratios, fractions, or percentages to help calculate how much of their monthly mortgage payment will go to interest & how much will go to paying down the loan/principal. 4) Interest Rates: Students will calculate a monthly interest payment using a variety of past interest rates. They will multiply the mortgage amount owing by the percent (written as a decimal) and then divide by 12. 5) Square Foot per Person: Students will practice calculating a simple real-world rate: square feet of living space for each person in a home. This can vary a lot in different cities and with different family situations. 6) Cost per Square Foot: Students will calculate another common rate: cost per square foot. They will compare four price points for buying and four more options for renting and determine the best deal for each situation.
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Ratio Worksheets, Rate Worksheets, Percent Worksheets, Percentage Worksheets, Ratios And Rates, Percent, Housing Math, Life Skills, Applied Math, Buy A House
Identifying Fractions Worksheets-Apple Theme
Math, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Understanding Identifying Fractions Worksheets-Apple Theme The Identifying Fractions Worksheets-Apple Theme is an ideal tool for educators who are keen on strengthening the understanding of fractions among their students. Regardless of whether students are budding enthusiasts or well-established learners, this intuitively designed set of worksheets caters to all needs. Content and Use: This resource centers on an apple-themed unit and stimulates learners to deal with assorted representations of fractions. It incorporates differentiated materials for everyone, embedding the concept that learning math should be a fun and engaging exercise. Contained within this set are three distinct worksheets that can be utilized in a multitude of methods. For example, they can serve as whole group instructive tools, small group activity sets, independent work tasks or even challenging homework assignments. Worksheet 1: This worksheet aids learners in matching pictorial representation (apple fruits) with its corresponding fraction written out in text format. Worksheet 2: This worksheet further deepens understanding by offering exercises where students have to recognize connections between numerical representations, pictures and words pertaining to fractions. Worksheet 3: This worksheet pushes learners one step further by guiding them towards evaluating pictorial versions (of apples), comprehending provided prompts and noting down the fractional value in mathematical notation - thus bolstering numeracy skills too. Variations & Answer Key: The worksheets come both in colored as well as black & white versions โ identical but designed keeping variations in printing capacity/resources at schools/homeschool settings into account. An extensively detailed answer key is included that assists during validation or makes peer evaluation stress-free thereby saving valuable time. Closing thoughts: With this set of Identifying Fractions Worksheets-Apple Theme, mathematics becomes a hands-on and fun activity. Aptly fitting into third or fourth-grade Math curriculum, it equips students with essential knowledge about 'Fractions'. By making abstract concepts tangible with mesmerizing themes, students learn to build confidence and create a strong base in the domain of fractions.
Author Quail Trail Products
Tags Fractions, Apple Theme, Identifying Fractions, Pictorial Representations, Matching
6th Grade Dividing Fractions Student Guided Notes
Math, Fractions, Grade 6, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
The 6th Grade Dividing Fractions Student Guided Notes is a great packet to hand out to students during your fractions unit . This is a great way for students to keep track of their learning. These notes are detailed with graphic organizers and fill in the blanks. Answer keys are included.
Author Teaching on the Island
Tags Dividing Fractions, Guided Notes, Mixed Numbers, Math Worksheet, Division
Equivalent Fractions using a visual approach with rectangles
Math, Fractions, Grade 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
If two fractions are equivalent it means they are the same in terms of shape and size, but are expressed using different numbers Equivalent fractions are best introduced using shape models before proceeding on to using the number line or any numerical method. If two fractions are equivalent it means they are the same in terms of shape and size, but are expressed using different numbers In these resources fractions are compared using rectangles, where each rectangle represents the same area of a whole. The 4 Sets of Worksheets form a progression as follows: Worksheet Set 1: Each pair of rectangles on the page has a fraction of it's space colored in. Students write down the (equivalent) fractions of each in numerical terms. Worksheet Set 2: For each pair of rectangles, equivalent fractions are shown . Students color in the areas on two rectangles that represent two given equivalent fractions. Worksheet Set 3: Pairs of coloured-in rectangles and the denominators of the equivalent fractions are shown. Students must determine the numerators (of each fraction) and the multiplier that connects the two fractions. Worksheet Set 4: Shown pairs of partially coloured-in rectangles pupils are asked to write down the fractions coloured-in and the multiplier connecting the two fractions. How many worksheets are in each set ? A lot. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This means you can create new worksheets for plenty of extra practice throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, which are automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (on a PC or Mac) or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Common Core Standards CCSS3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction 1/๐ฃ as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into ๐ฃ equal parts; understand a fraction ๐ข/๐ as the quantity formed by ๐ข printables /parts-of-and-anatomy-of">parts of size 1/๐ฃ. CCSS3.NF.A.3 Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. CCSS3.NF.A.3a Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. CCSS3.NF.A.3b Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, (e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. You may also like: Equivalent Fractions on the Number Line Worksheets 3rd Grade Equivalent Fractions - Numerical method with multipliers and divisors
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Equivalent Fractions, Fractions, Visual Model Equivalent Fraction, Grade 3, Jeff's Notebooks, Worksheets, Math, Numeracy, Interactive Whiteboard
Chicago Pizza Fractions Worksheet
Math, Fractions, Grade 2, 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This resource is a Chicago Pizza printables /worksheets/worksheets-by-subject/math-worksheets/fractions-worksheets">Fractions Worksheet . Students will complete math sentence frames for each pizza fraction divided into parts. There are 4 problems per page. Answer key included.
Author Monaco Lane Curriculum for Early Literacy
Tags Chicago, Pizza, Fractions, Coloring Fractions, Math Worksheet
3rd Grade Fractions - Otto's Birthday (3.NF.1)
Math, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
3rd Grade Fractions โ Otto's Birthday (3.NF.1): A Comprehensive Teaching Resource This Fraction Fun Fish unit helps students internalize the fraction concept of 'understanding fractions as numbers', by explaining a fraction 1/b and a/b. The versatility of this resource allows it to be tailored according to the studentโs learning speed. For learners needing additional assistance or remediation, this guide provides ample material ensuring thorough comprehension. Interactive Learning With Technology Using technology like smartboards, this resource can be used for whole-class instruction, inviting interactive problem-solving discussions. The Role in Math Centres Otto's Birthday is ideal for use in math centres as students can write their responses directly onto copies of each activity. Learners have the freedom to self-assess at their own pace while providing educators opportunities for continuous formative assessment . Beyond Facts And Figures In addition to teaching fractions conceptually, Otto's Birthday engages students in analyzing real-life scenarios and applying what they've learned about fractions. An inclusive blank template is provided encouraging student creativity in framing open response questions which stimulate peer interaction during class discussions. In essence, Otto's Birthday transforms 'fractions' into an easily comprehensible subject making our young scholars truly happy mathematicians!
Author Knowledge Mobile
Tags Fractions, Understanding Fractions, Fraction Concepts, Math Centers, Problem-solving