Adding and Subtracting Unknown Numbers Activity

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About This Product

Adding and Subtracting Unknown Numbers Activity helps young learners practice finding missing addends and minuends in equations. Students gain confidence solving for unknown numbers in addition and subtraction facts up to 20. This versatile resource works well for whole group instruction, small group practice, independent work, or homework. The activity sheet features over 60 equations with missing addends or minuends that students fill in to make the equations true. Equations gradually increase in difficulty and include subtraction as well as addition facts. As students complete the worksheet, they reinforce their understanding of number relationships, fact families, and inverse operations. This activity sheet develops key skills for math success in the early elementary grades. Teachers appreciate the no-prep activity that provides meaningful practice identifying missing numbers across addition and subtraction facts. Students enjoy the independent practice solving for unknowns.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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Have Fun Teaching

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