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AP US History, Late 19th Century, Test Question Bank, Multiple-Choice

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History: USA


Grade 11, 12

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AP US History, Late 19th Century, Test Question Bank, Multiple-Choice

  • 82 multiple-choice questions in an HTML document

  • answer key, HTML document

  • pass code to assign students online auto-corrected version

    • AP USHIS Late 19th century

NOTE: These are plain multiple-choice questions on content knowledge, not stimulus-based.

Preparing for the AP United States History exam means making sure your students have the content knowledge. Though stimulus-based questions are the order of the day on the modern exam, these basic knowledge questions are a great review. These old fashioned style questions let students review content knowledge separately from the skill set demanded by interpreting documents. the online version of the task has three apps: a quiz, flashcards, and a tutor. The tutor is recommended for this practice. using the tutor, students practice the questions they get wrong until they are done.

About Innovation Passcodes

Give your students the pass code to access a resource at

Subscribers can use a pass code to import the task into their account and question bank. This lets you edit, manually score student work, save, analyze student work. It lets you reuse and edit the questions and generate new assessments from the test question bank.

ZIP file containing the questions in HTML, an answer key in HTML. and a DOCX document with the pass code to the online version of the task.

Resource Tags

us history ap us history

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