Arctic Survival Team Building Activity

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Grade 10, 11, 12

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About This Product

Without a doubt, history is a topic that can be easily overlooked by our students. Sometimes, it can be difficult for them to make connections with the past in a way that makes sense to them. Being able to provide students with meaningful resources is the best way to get over this learning curve. Whenever you have a social studies topic to introduce or review, you want to find engaging products that you know your students will be able to learn from. Within my store, you will find a plethora of social studies resources to utilize with your students.


What You Get:


This is an Artic Survival Team Building Activity. There are 13 slides in the presentation. There is a Survival Score Sheet as well as an Answer Key + Teacher Guide.


All 3 products are editable and can be accessed digitally.


How To Implement This Resource:


This is a team building activity that will have students ponder what kind of process makes for “good decision making.”


Students will begin by being presented with the following scenario:


“Your plane has crash landed in Northern Canada at night. The crash has killed the pilot and co-pilot. You and the others have discovered 12 items in the wreckage. You will be asked to rank the importance of these 12 items to your survival. Then, your group and you will rank them together.”


As the teacher, you can decide on how large or small you want the groups to be. When all students have finished their individual ranking, allow them to come together with their group and propose new rankings. This will require students to talk to one another and listen to other reasonings.


When students have finished their group rankings, they will have the opportunity to reflect with 4 questions. Students may find that humans make better decisions when they are able to consider diverse experiences.


The Answer Key provides a ranking and rationale that was composed by former instructor in survival training. Students will be able to use this answer key to notate the Expert Score on their Survival Score Sheet.



I hope you enjoy!

What's Included

A 13-slide PowerPoint

A 3-page answer key

A 1-page score sheet

Resource Tags

Social Studies Project Whole Group Small Group Discussion Team Building Activity Geography Arctic Survival Survival Games

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