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Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids: A Math JIGSAW Inquiry Lesson

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8





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About This Product

Using the JIGSAW grouping strategy, your students can master the formulas for the area of triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. Jigsaw is a great way to encourage your students to work collaboratively and take control of their own learning. Students become experts at one skill, teach it to others, and also learn from their peers. This lesson uses the jigsaw strategy and an inquiry approach to help students understand the explanation for three area formulae.

Teacher Instructions:

Print two-page handouts (a third with each page 1, and all with the same page 2).

Split your class into three groups.

Each group is asked to master finding the area of one shape.

Students collaborate, using the grid, to prove/explain the formula.

THEN JIGSAW: Make trios with one expert from each group.

The three students teach each other about each formula.

This is a great lesson to reinforce the learning in a geometry unit, or it could be used an initial inquiry.

Grades to Use With:

This lesson is specifically designed for students in grade 6 and meets the following standard:


Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

British Columbia, Canada: Learning Standard Grade 6 Math: Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids

However, it could also work with slightly older or younger students depending on split classes or your area's learning standards.

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What's Included

5 Page PDF:

Title Page

Page 1 for Area of Triangle experts

Page 1 for Area of Parallelogram experts

Page 1 for Area of Trapezoid experts

Same Page 2 for everyone

Resource Tags

jigsaw hands-on math trapezoid area triangle parallelogram inquiry collaboration geometry measurement

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