Back to School Activity Bundle for Getting to Know Each Other

An educational teaching resource from Socrates Lantern entitled Back to School Activity Bundle for Getting to Know Each Other downloadable at Teach Simple.
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Grade 5, 6





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About This Product

It’s time to think about the new school year, my Back to School Activities for Getting to Know Each Other will be helpful whether you’re a seasoned teacher or just beginning. All of us anticipate the first day with mixed emotions. This resource is something that will get you started.

I’ve been there so many times, as a 6th grade teacher, you’d think it would get easier. It doesn’t really, and the first day IS the hardest for me. If you’re anything like me, you think about learning names, showing them how to open lockers, what to do for the few hours before you change classes, should they get homework the first day, and so much more.

Asking them what they did over the summer just doesn’t do it for you. You’re looking for some unique ice-breakers that will take up some time and engage your students. Annnnd you want to know what makes them tick. If this sounds like you, fear not, I’ve got you covered. Everything you need is here in this neat little package. I promise that you WILL get to know your students.


✎To help children and teacher get to know each other

✎To share something about themselves

✎To improve listening skills

Assessment of writing skills

✎Assess ability to answer oral and written questions


☝Create some getting to know you activities

☝Make this the day to learn about your students and visa-versa

☝Come up with some ice-breakers to make the kids feel at home

☝Show them around the school

☝Be firm but kind and let them know you’ll be there for them.

☝Give them an engaging and fun homework assignment

☝If everything doesn’t go just perfect, no worries, you have the

rest of the year. It just means you're FLAWESOME and that's OK.

❤What other teachers are saying about this resource ❤

❤ “Thank you so much for making this wonderful resource!! We can't

wait to use it in our schooling.” by Sarah B

❤ “Love this.” by Melinda M

✎ This is what you’ll get: ✎

✎Complete lesson plans

✎Getting to know you Youtube link & lyrics

✎Large apple information and name tags for bulletin board

✎Small apple information and name tags for younger students to wear or put on their books

✎Apple cards for desks

✎32 SCOOT + 4 Blank game cards & answer sheets

✎Cards with questions

✎How to open a locker

✎All About Me

✎Homework or classroom questions

✎Writing prompts

✎Writing rubric

✎Family trees

✎Crossword puzzle, clues & answers

✎Product links

✎Contact information

✎Now for a bit of my story:✎

I remember the year that I had a child come into my classroom with the worst record, he was argumentative, talkative, had trouble focusing, so many things were against him. Long story short, as soon as he walked into the room, I knew I was gonna like him, he just a twinkle in his eye and I loved his personality. . He was placed in the top group, did his work, and was an honor student. Sure he was outgoing, talkative, and questioned everything, but he was a wonderful individual who really cared about learning and his fellow students.

Moral of the story: Wait to know the child a little before you look at previous records. If they’re negative, take it with a grain of salt. Give everyone a chance and form your own opinion.

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※ Lessons to engage, challenge, excite and be remembered long after they’ve left your classroom. ※

Copyright©2016 Deann Marin (Socrates Lantern) All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher or classroom, or for an entire department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view, uploaded to school or district websites, distributed via email, or submitted to file sharing sites. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for single classroom and personal use only.

Resource Tags

Back to School SCOOT game Family Tree Homework Autumn

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