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Beat it, Michael Jackson - BUCKET DRUMMING!

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8



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About This Product

Beat it, Michael Jackson - BUCKET DRUMMING!

A dynamic teaching resource for music educators and homeschoolers teaching Grade 4 - Grade 8 students. This vibrant bridge connects popular and classic pop music with the aim of engaging students in interactive learning.


Connecting the rhythm of education to the beat of popular music, this resource takes 'Beat It', a timeless hit song from Michael Jackson's Thriller album, and transforms it into an immersive learning experience.

  • Includes three color-coded slides outfitted with form identifiers adjacent to each phrase
  • Presentation equipped with visual aids for navigating various rhythm patterns

An Immersive Bucket Drumming Guide:

  • This bucket drumming guide will help students understand how rhythms are formed and recreated in a song.
  • You'll break down each rhythmic pattern on the PowerPoint slides by rote, showing them how many times each one is repeated.
  • Your students can then attempt recreating these rhythms using drums or buckets
  • This flexible approach allows you to use traditional instruments like drums or innovate through found sounds like buckets!
If Kramer disagrees once again: Immerse your classroom environment with energetic beats using Bucket Drumming based on 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson, and make learning music a pulsating experience!
Note: The product does not provide the actual Michael Jackson - Beat It track. Please ensure you have appropriate resources/rights to play the song in your classroom.

What's Included

1 PDF file

Resource Tags

bucket drumming music education interactive learning rhythm patterns popular music

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