Can a Cat do that? Eric Carle: Activity Sheet/ Comprehension/ Sight Wo

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Delve further into "Can a Cat Do That?" by Eric Carle. This is a great story for students to learn to read. You can introduce noun and verb grammar terms to expand the learning opportunities with your students. This is a great way to think and interact with the story, and also introduce noun and verbs to students.

This include both a full color and a printer friendly black and white version.

This resource is a total of 19 pages long (this includes both versions. Some sheets are available only in black and white).

  • A sight word list to practice before reading the story. Students can practice these words before reading the story

  • Flash cards for animal names that may be more difficult words for students to read.

  • Definitions of noun and verbs and a corresponding worksheet for students to find examples of both grammar definitions.

  • Several Worksheets to test reading comprehension. This includes a yes/no quiz, a matching worksheets, and more

  • 2 drawing worksheets

Resource Tags

comprehension english children's books

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